Mobile IE unable to load certain topics

  • Continuing the discussion from How slow is Discourse on your mobile?:

    @Keith said:

    There are several topics that won't load for me on my WP8.1 phone currently, and this is one of them. The spinner just keeps spinning if I click into it. If I refresh or load the page from the address bar, I just get a white screen.

    Another one is the "Your ')')')') is showing" topic.

    Some load perfectly normally. Not sure what the bug is here.

    Okay, so this bug is getting very annoying. All the topics in the bug category I tried opening go to infinite spinner. I am seeing this error:

    Unable to get property 'parentNode' of undefined or null reference
    File: vendor-514d538a8a080bf81791da4c2da01aab.js, Line: 13, Column: 3659

    Which corresponds to:

    hydrateMorphs: function (contextualElement) {
            var childViews = this.childViews;
            var el = this._element;
            for (var i=0,l=childViews.length; i<l; i++) {
              var childView = childViews[i];
              var ref = el.querySelector('#morph-'+i);
              var parent = ref.parentNode;
              childView._morph = this.dom.insertMorphBefore(
                parent.nodeType === 1 ? parent : contextualElement

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @jaming said:


    Looks like someone's taking the idea of leaky abstractions a little too literally.

  • FoxDev

    @jaming said:


    That sounds like it's from an advert for a shaving cream used by this guy:

  • Fake News

  • @jaming said:

    Okay, so this bug is getting very annoying. All the topics in the bug category I tried opening go to infinite spinner. I am seeing this error:

    Out of interest, see if removing the number from the end of the URL fixes it, so you just have the slug. That worked for me, although I haven't thoroughly tested it.

  • That worked for a few threads, but for most it just resulted in a WSOD.

  • Perhaps this loading indicator could be used for us non-iOS mobile users:

  • FoxDev

    @jaming said:

    Perhaps this loading indicator could be used for us non-iOS mobile users:

    Especially as it has a bug in it 😆

  • Banned

    I'm glad we got a better error but what I really need a stack trace, or at least a repro so I can do it myself. I really want to fix it but I just can't make it happen myself 😦

  • FoxDev

    @eviltrout said:

    I really want to fix it but I just can't make it happen myself

    most reliable way i can think of is to get a WP8 device and browse on 3g not wifi. based on the reports i've been seeing and the phones i know the people who are reporting have (for certain values of know) it seems to be a combination of WP8 IE and the slower 3g (or 2g) connection.

    of course i'm solidly in the android camp so i don't know that for sure.

  • @jaming said:



    Also, you're trying to use Discourse on unapproved mobile device, so that's your problem right there. Discourse on Dolphin on Android:

    a) mostly fails to update post timings, so the posts don't get marked as read most of the time (and doesn't seem to trip on entry either, so a post I read on mobile can even show in blue)

    b) still breaks select-and-quote-reply in mysterious ways - basically, once you move your selection cursor, the "Quote Reply" pops up and takes it over, so you can only select a single word, or line if you're lucky

    c) fails to properly animate dropdown menus, so notifications/hamburgers don't appear. You can still enter them by tapping roughly where they should be

    d) loads the topic from the top of the DiscoPage instead of putting your viewport at the first unread topic, most of the time

    And that's without even trying to break stuff, or doing anything Wrong(tm).

    By the way, did we change a font or something? It seems like the space between text lines got shrunk or something. It all seems congested, expecially on mobile.

  • FoxDev

    do you have dolphin jetpack installed.

    does inverting the installation state of that plugin change behavior?

    (i found it made things work better for me on discourse at the sxpense of it taking longer)

  • @Maciejasjmj said:

    did we change a font or something

    They changed the CSS so it no longer specifies a line-height.

    It used to be:

    html { 
        font:14px/19px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; 

    Now it's:

    html { 
        font-family: Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;
        font-size: 14px;

    And that's all in the mix of them futzing around with and blaming Firefox for a different bug they had.

  • @accalia said:

    do you have dolphin jetpack installed.

    does inverting the installation state of that plugin change behavior?

    (i found it made things work better for me on discourse at the sxpense of it taking longer)

    Huh, it does. Well, partially for b), as the Quote Reply popup now doesn't show up at all, but the select-and-reply still works, so there's that.

    Still, what kind of hacks do they use to make it work only on Chrome's WebKit flavor I do not know, and don't wish to know either.

    @ChaosTheEternal said:

    And that's all in the mix of them futzing around with and blaming Firefox for a different bug they had.


  • Banned

    Turns out this is due to malformed HTML occasionally appearing in Suggested Topics. Sorry about that. (newer Ember versions are much more sensitive to malformed HTML and it will block transforms if the DOM gets too wacky due to the malformed stuff.)

    Fix is in latest.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @codinghorror said:

    Fix is in latest.

    Applied. Presumably.

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