
    Enter a username, a password twice, an email, copy (not write) the email to the email-again field, select your timezone.

    Hit 'Join'.  You can't?  The join button is disabled.  And no indication about what's wrong.

    Seems you can't just copy things into a field, you have to type something too.

    And the rest of the form validation is ... interesting.

    If a needed field is empty, there's a red asterix to the right of the field.  Except for the Username, that's obviously not needed.

    If the confirm password field doesn't match the password, the asterix is a little bit more to the right.  Same for the email. 

    The error indicators would have been ok if there had been an explanation of what they mean.

  • Cannot confirm this... copyed the email and created this account.

  • I think hes saying that if you dont put a username into the box then button is disabled and it doesnt show a asterix next to the username field indicating its required.  I checked and yeah it doesnt show the asterix......but the sentence right above the field says a username is require and wtf why would anyone try to make a user account without putting in a username....

    This isnt so much as a wtf as it is a person digging for slight design problems. 

  • @Z hh said:

    Cannot confirm this... copyed the email and created this account.
    I guess you used [ctrl]+[c] [ctrl]+[v]. If you use right mouse button->paste (in FF atleast) the submit button won't be active.

  • Z hh:
    Cannot confirm this... copyed the email and created this account.
    I guess you used [ctrl]+[c] [ctrl]+[v]. If you use right mouse button->paste (in FF atleast) the submit button won't be active.

    I'm using FF on linux, so I just double click and wheel click.
    This happened to me when I tried to create an account.  I input all info, and couldn;t click 'Join'.  Had to read the source to find out why.
    If a page wants to validate my input, fine, but at least tell me what I did wrong.


  • ♿ (Parody)

    This one was actually caught by a tester before deploying the latest version of the site. But, I set the bug as "won't fix" because (1) it's part of Community Server and (2) most people seem to get past it eventually. Hopefully they'll fix it in CS 3.0.

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