• Check the captcha for anonymous posts. Say the word is 'god' and someone puts 'goddes' it will accept it. It only checks with a startsWith() it seems. Makes it a lot easyer for a robot, just has to get a compound word with the same start. I found this out with the muhahaha, I ended up double posting because I realised I had put 4 'ha's in it and it only needed 3 and I stopped the post and corrected it and I double posted and then later on I tested it posting again following the same idea.


    Someone might want to fix that.

  • Dunno about yourself, but at least in this forum, I can't post anonymously at all.

  • @m0ffx said:

    Dunno about yourself, but at least in this forum, I can't post anonymously at all.

     That's the way it's always been.  It's by design.

    Re: the original post, it doesn't really matter, when you realize that there are only maybe 100 captchas in rotation anyway.  Anyone looking to defeat them by brute force isn't in any way aided by what you've discovered.  They should just have a 100 word word list.


  • @merreborn said:

    Re: the original post, it doesn't really matter, when you realize that there are only maybe 100 captchas in rotation anyway.  Anyone looking to defeat them by brute force isn't in any way aided by what you've discovered.  They should just have a 100 word word list.



    Agreed. But isn't that the point of most WTF's on this site? They work - but WTF! :)

  • Works as coded!

  • It's not a bug, that's just how it's done.

  • @malfist said:

    Someone might want to fix that.



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