Because Web 1.0 was the age of security

  • I was looking for a Dilbert plush doll for my desk and I found a site with a Dilbert, a PHB, and a "Catbert" (I'm assuming misspelled Dogbert by the looks of it) and grabbed my credit card. The site looked a bit old, and a bit amateurish, but I really wanted my toys! I took one look at the page, quickly skimmed the source, and got the hell out of there.

    The Items: [url][/url]

    The Order Form:  [url][/url]

  • Use this form to send us your contact information and credit card information SECURELY.

     = WTF?


  • [quote user="bobday"][/quote]

    True enough, but the pictured doll is Dogbert and labelled Catbert.

  • <input type=hidden name="recipient" value="">

  • [quote user="j_pilborough"]

    Use this form to send us your contact information and credit card information SECURELY.

     = WTF?[/quote]

    Truth by repeated assertion.

  • [quote user="j_pilborough"]

    Use this form to send us your contact information and credit card information SECURELY.


     = WTF?



    I'd think is even more of a WTF...

    <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 5.0">

    Heck, that's less WTF, more "Idiot deserves to have his site hacked to hell and back".

  • My favorite:

    <font face="Verdana">

    Shhhhh! See our Privacy Policy!


  • Ha! Has anyone tried to submit the form with bogus data? It doesn't even work!

  • [quote user="The Last TMNT"]Ha! Has anyone tried to submit the form with bogus data? It doesn't even work!

    Sure it worked, I got this page:

    I liked this part:

    <font face="Verdana">

    Pay SECURELY by credit card using ProPay!  click here, and we will send you a ProPay Invoice. It's FREE, secure and you don't have to be a ProPay member to pay us!

    YES! Send me a ProPay Invoice! I will provide my credit card info via ProPay <font color="#000000"> <input maxlength="1" name="propay_checkbox" size="1" type="text" /></font>


    <font color="#4d725c"> Visa/Mastercard<font color="#000000">Otherwise: Please tell us your credit card information ( if you are paying by VISA/MC). See our CHECK OUT page for other payment options.</font></font>



    So I can either pay securely, or I can just enter my card number.  It actually tells me in a roundabout way that entering my credit card number here isn't secure!   But wow, they really make the user read between the lines, no?

    This site looks a lot like something I did for a web course assignment when I was in college -- perhaps this is just someone's homework?  Although it's strange that it has a real url.

  • I suppose the Paypal option is the only chance of having a truly secure order sent to them. God only knows what their card processor, Propay, does behind the scenes.

    (Oddly enough, I have the same Husky plush in my closet from years ago...)

  • That's closer to web 0.9a security.

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