To uppercase

  • Found this little piece of code while maintaining a webapp. Not a major WTF but it gave me a good laugh

    <span class="seitentitel"><cfoutput>#ucase('WIR SIND GERNE FÜR SIE DA - KONTAKTIEREN SIE UNS!')#</cfoutput></span>


  • The Real WTF™ is that he could have used CSS to do this. Hey, isn't there a class attribute I see there?

    .seitentitel { text-transform: uppercase; }

  • They wanted it to be extra-loud, of course. I mean, there's all caps, an exclamation point, and it's in German... so why not go all the way and double-uppercase it!?

  • [quote user="FraGag"]

    The Real WTF™ is that he could have used CSS to do this. Hey, isn't there a class attribute I see there?

    .seitentitel { text-transform: uppercase; }


    After reading this I checked the CSS file. And guess what? text-transform:uppercase; was there. At least it wasn't all the same author. 

  • While they're at it, why don't they use 2 layers of <h1>'s as well? =P

  • Is that like a double-post that says "fist"?

  • [quote user="kiriran"][quote user="FraGag"]

    The Real WTF™ is that he could have used CSS to do this. Hey, isn't there a class attribute I see there?

    .seitentitel { text-transform: uppercase; }


    After reading this I checked the CSS file. And guess what? text-transform:uppercase; was there. At least it wasn't all the same author. 


    I was just going to say "The real WTF is that he didn't triple-uppercase it!", but well...

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