Nestle NAN Baby Formula

  • For when they are still little ....

  • I guess that's for when they reach 2,147,483,648 years old?

    I hope I have someone to take care of me when I get that old.


    Also, my client manager's name could be shortened to J M Roth.  It's nice to think of him as finding WTFs and posting them to this website while he's just over the cube wall.   

  • ist there anything in them ? or is it more 1lb of nothingness ?

  • @hallo.amt said:

    ist there anything in them ? or is it more 1lb of nothingness ?
    1lb of non-nutritional value, to be hard sold to mothers in the third world, who are falsely told they cannot make enough breast milk; this then becomes self-fulfilling when the money spent on formula prevents them buying themselves enough food. And then the only water they have to make the Nestle NaN milk is dirty, and their babies die of infections. /anti_nestle_polemic

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