My briljant Mastermind application

  • It was a schoolassignment to create a console mastermind application. After weeks of engineering I finally began the build this application.

    So i threw all my designclasses away and created this.

     * Created on Sep 26, 2006
     * TODO To change the template for this generated file go to
     * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
    package Main;

    import java.lang.reflect.Array;
    import java.util.*;

     * @author Bart
     * TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to
     * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
    public class Game {

     private static ArrayList List;
     public static void main(String[] args) {
      List = new ArrayList();
     public static void run()
      int As = 0;
      int Bs = 0;
      int Cs = 0;
      int Ds = 0;
      int Count = 10;
      int Count2 = 0;
      boolean win = false;
      int Am = (int) (4 * Math.random());
      int Bm = (int) (4 * Math.random());
      int Cm = (int) (4 * Math.random());
      int Dm = (int) (4 * Math.random());
      int Ab = Am;
      int Bb = Bm;
      int Cb = Cm;
      int Db = Dm;
      System.out.println("New Game");
      while (win == false) {
       Am = Ab;
       Bm = Bb;
       Cm = Cb;
       Dm = Db;
       BufferedReader inkbd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
       try {
        As = Integer.parseInt(inkbd.readLine());
        Bs = Integer.parseInt(inkbd.readLine());
        Cs = Integer.parseInt(inkbd.readLine());
        Ds = Integer.parseInt(inkbd.readLine());

       } catch (IOException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
       catch (Exception e1) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
       if (Am == As & Bm == Bs & Cm == Cs & Dm == Ds)
        System.out.println("je hebt gewonnen");
        win = true;
        As = 10;
        Bs = 10;
        Cs = 10;
        Ds = 10;
       if (Count2 >= 8 & win == false)
        win = true;
        As = 10;
        Bs = 10;
        Cs = 10;
        Ds = 10;
       if (Am == As)
        Am = Count;
        As = Count;
       if (Bm == Bs)
        Bm = Count;
        Bs = Count;
       if (Cm == Cs)
        Cm = Count;
        Cs = Count;
       if (Dm == Ds)
        Dm = Count;
        Ds = Count;
       if (Am == Bs)
        Am = Count;
        Bs = Count;
       if (Am == Cs)
        Am = Count;
        Cs = Count;
       if (Am == Ds)
        Am = Count;
        Ds = Count;
       if (Bm == As)
        Bm = Count;
        As = Count;
       if (Bm == Cs)
        Bm = Count;
        Cs = Count;
       if (Bm == Ds)
        Bm = Count;
        Ds = Count;
       if (Cm == As)
        Cm = Count;
        As = Count;
       if (Cm == Bs)
        Cm = Count;
        Bs = Count;
       if (Cm == Ds)
        Cm = Count;
        Ds = Count;
       if (Dm == As)
        Dm = Count;
        As = Count;
       if (Dm == Bs)
        Dm = Count;
        Bs = Count;
       if (Dm == Cs)
        Dm = Count;
        Ds = Count;




  • please tell us what it does, i'm not going to dig through that steaming pile of java (yet another language I despise) to figure it out 

  • Yet another proof that the entire world boils down to a few if clauses...

  • Another thing.... just imagine the amount of if clauses needed if you d like to expand to 'Expert Mastermind' that has more variables...

  • What, am I supposed to count the wtfs?

  • [quote user="Nandurius"]What, am I supposed to count the wtfs?


    We could print such code on the back of cereal wrapping and let the kids find the wtfs.. lets call it WTF Trivia or something like that...


     Okay okay 3 posts ... I ll go back to work..

  • You suck.

  • Is briljant the new brillant?

  • [quote user="djork"]You suck.[/quote]


  • @Nachoo said:

    [quote user="djork"]You suck.


    Not you, the original poster.

  • It's a poor student implementation of mastermind.

    You're off the hook 'cause no one payed you to write it, nor did you release it publicly.

  • [quote user="Nachoo"]

    [quote user="Nandurius"]What, am I supposed to count the wtfs?

    We could print such code on the back of cereal wrapping and let the kids find the wtfs.. lets call it WTF Trivia or something like that...



    How about borrowing Knuth's idea ?

    We can have a competition to find the wtfs and double the prize money for every WTF found. Let's start at 1 cent.

    [I hope there are less than 20 of them, in there.]

  • [quote user="Nachoo"][quote user="djork"]You suck.[/quote]
    Die.[/quote]pulls up a chair and grabs his pointy stick

    Marshmallow, anyone?

  • [quote user="djork"][quote user="Nachoo"][quote user="djork"]You suck.[/quote]


    Not you, the original poster.[/quote]


    I shall excuse my sudden rush of anger and say sorry to ye.

    I was just in a bad mood...


     We can have a competition to find the wtfs and double the prize money for every WTF found. Let's start at 1 cent.

    [I hope there are less than 20 of them, in there.]



    Great idea... but I guess we will run into bankruptcy until lets say line 24 or something around that.



    Does Ctrl+V still work on your keyboard?  I would have done this to piss my CS teacher off, whom I didn't like very much. 


    On the brightside you can acknowledge what you did, which many cannot.

  • Please let us know how your teacher reacted when (s)he saw this

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