In-Text advertising using

  • Looking for a solution which will allow me to do in-text advertising linked to items on Amazon. Is there anything out there?

  • <sarcasm>
    What you do is use HTML to link a word to the amazon web page. Pereferably you include your amazon referral ID.
    Something like: <a href="">Gerbils are fun!</a>

    Sorry, I really have no idea what you're asking for. Maybe you could provide some more detail of how you envision this solution to work.. 





  • Client side javascript searches HTML content for "keywords" and then replaces these with links which bring up small popups when the mouse pointer is moved over them. These popus contain information about a "hopefully" relavent product, assuming its possible to get a good set of keywords.

  • Ah yes, I'm pretty sure I've adblocked every single one of those "services" that I've come across. Looking through the filter list here's what I found:  -- claims to be the InText advertising leader. It doesn't really look like they're selling their software though. -- Another site that does in-text ads (Their 'Adpoint' service)

    I haven't personally come across any amazon text ad-tagging, you may just have to write the script to do this yourself.

    However, Amazon already has a service that serves up contextually "relevant" products: This isn't entirely dynamic (you have to give them keywords) but I think that's probably the best option. It's a far better choice than the annoying in-text ads.

  • Another vote here against those annoying in-text  pop-balloons.

  • I also vote against those inline advertising links.  They are annoying, especially since that's normally where you link to associated articles/websites.  Implementing inline advertising runs the risk of annoying/alienating the end-users because it goes against established convention.  Perhaps formatting them differently would help, but I doubt most people would be conscious of that.

  • [quote user="dhromed"]Another vote here against those annoying in-text  pop-balloons.

    And another.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    [quote user="Albatross"]

    [quote user="dhromed"]Another vote here against those annoying in-text  pop-balloons.

    And another.



    Really? You guys don't like them? I love them! Recently, I was reading an article on line and it had the word <font color="#009900">computer</font> linked. I moused over it by mistake and this giant pop-balloon ad appeared that totally distracted my reading experience. But that's ok, because it listed a computer from Dell. And them I thought, wow, I could totally use one of those.

    Without these intrusive ads, how could i ever find something like a computer for sale?!?!

  • [quote user="Alex Papadimoulis"]

    Without these intrusive ads, how could i ever find something like a computer for sale?!?!


    Just follow the clouds of smoke ; at their origin, there is a Dell notebook with an owner who is very happy to sell it to you.

  • [quote user="Alex Papadimoulis"]Recently, I was reading an article on line and it had the word <font color="#009900">computer</font> linked.[/quote]

    Am I the only one who moused over that to see if anything would happen?

  • [quote user="iwpg"]

    [quote user="Alex Papadimoulis"]Recently, I was reading an article on line and it had the word <font color="#009900">computer</font> linked.[/quote]

    Am I the only one who moused over that to see if anything would happen? [/quote]

    Definitely not. 

  • Needs a double underline tho

  • [quote user="iwpg"]

    [quote user="Alex Papadimoulis"]Recently, I was reading an article on line and it had the word <font color="#009900">computer</font> linked.[/quote]

    Am I the only one who moused over that to see if anything would happen?

    <font face="tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif">The moment you mentioned them...


  • Glad I wasn't the only one..

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