Basic question: How to determine if a string is a number?

  • @KenW said:

    @codenator said:

    I've got about 10 years under my belt with compiler design and public APIs and currently work on the Java compiler team and have designed implemented new featues in the lagnuage for Java 5 including public APIs so if you want to go into battle bring it on. You are both the laughing stock of my company and everyone waits for you replys for a good laugh.

    When it comes to API deisgn that what I do all day for work. So you found one example, big deal it's still a bad design. You missed the point in that you are covering up problems and hiding Exceptins from the client code, did you learn OO programming? are you still stuck in C procedural thinking?

    I stand by my beliefs because my experience is telling me that it is a poorly designed method, there's a lot of reading a learning you need to do.

    I am in charge of hiring at my company at least, and you wouldn't pass an interview, I think you should not be handing out bad coding practices to beginners.

    Let's hope I never have to use one of your buggy applications.


    So you have all that experience and you still don't understand that there's a reason for the catch keyword? Isn't handling exceptions exactly what it was designed for? Surely you know - after all,, you have all that vast superior knowledge, don't you?

    You're a total idiot. Crawl back up in the cave you somehow stumbled out of, so we don't have to waste our time scrolling past all of your useless noise.

    I know about exception handling, the point is the method has a bad interface, it's the worng way to handle exceptions and definitely the wrong way to parse as astring into an int the very bad advice to be doling out to beginners who want to learn.

    It's idiots like you who jump on the bandwagon becaue you want to feel superior. You're a total idiot.

    Maybe if you read my noise you'd understand the point idiot.


  • @Thalagyrt said:

    @codenator said:
    @Thalagyrt said:
    @codenator said:
    @ammoQ said:
    @codenator said:

    Ah you sound like an old dog who can't learn new tricks, I bet she learnt good method design and OO.

    So what if she's one year out of college, I've hired them and they can code rings around the old dogs at times, other times they don't get it at all, like you, and I don't hire them. Some can learn then come back agin in 12 months to try again, other can't learn, like you and we mark them permanently as no hire.

    Actually she was very capable, though the program we were working on was written in C, so I can say nothing at all about her OO skills. (I lost contact with her when we both left the company after half a year or so).  Fortunately, I'm not in a situation where I would ever have to apply for a job at a company where people like you are hiring - or even hired.

    I doubt you'd pass the phone screen given by HR wher ethey read Java coding questions off a piece of paper, just how many people use your code? millions? billions? 100 frustrated clients who can't understand why random bugs pop up every now and then? don't move to San Fran or Seattle those companies aren't interested in people like you, best stya in the good old south where you'll feel smart and superior

    Random bugs occur when people like you try to read in a config file that has no value for a necessary parameter, and just leave that as null instead of whatever an appropriate default value is. The real WTF is that you think you know WTF you're doing.

    Who said I'd make it null? Who said I was working on Sunday? you're a idiot. Irrational.
    Well if you don't set a default value, which you seem insistant on NOT doing, WHAT THE HELL do you set it to other than null? And I'm an idiot? Give me a break. Idiots like you aren't worth my time, so I won't be replying again. Don't even bother.

    Obviously a courrpted config file is not on your radar as a problem that should be fixed so keep on coding that 500 line VB method you've been working on all week idiot. Thanks god banks can hire geniuses like you to maintina their legacy systems.



  • @codenator said:


    PL/SQL oh my god!!!

    That is the biggest WTF in hiistory no wonder you are passing magic numbers and giving out bum Java coding advice. Ha ha aha ahahaha

    PL/SQL has exceptions just like java. But well, I don't feel like discussing the pros and cons of PL/SQL coding with clueless people like you.

    Nobody advised anyone to pass magic numbers, just default values (that's not the same). I think you are nothing but a annoying troll who makes fun of us. I feel sorry for you. You must have had a difficult childhood.

  • @ammoQ said:

    @codenator said:

    PL/SQL oh my god!!!

    That is the biggest WTF in hiistory no wonder you are passing magic numbers and giving out bum Java coding advice. Ha ha aha ahahaha

    PL/SQL has exceptions just like java. But well, I don't feel like discussing the pros and cons of PL/SQL coding with clueless people like you.

    Nobody advised anyone to pass magic numbers, just default values (that's not the same). I think you are nothing but a annoying troll who makes fun of us. I feel sorry for you. You must have had a difficult childhood.


    PL/SQL hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    PL/SQL muhahahahahhahah

    ahh that's going to amuse me all day.

  • @Thalagyrt said:

    As mentioned in a previous post, lets say your application stores settings for how big the window is. If those settings magically disappear, according to your logic, the application should say "OH NOES, MY SIZE IS GONE!" and fail to start. NO! It should reset itself to the default size. It is in cases such as THAT that a function like the one listed would be useful.

    Even if we say that the application should have a valid config file, there are other situations where a program just has to take what it gets. The best (and also the worst, depending on the POV) example is a web browser. If there is a tag <td rowspan="many">, should the browser crash? Should it refuse to render that page? I don't think that would make the users happy. Different programs have different needs. One program should rather ignore the error, another program should log it, the next might show an error dialog and yet other programs must exit immediately. Only very stubborn people think that one size fits all.

  • @codenator said:


    PL/SQL hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    PL/SQL muhahahahahhahah

    ahh that's going to amuse me all day.

    I bet your skills don't allow for a more detailed criticism. You don't know Java, you don't know PL/SQL... is there anything at all on your CV?

  • @ammoQ said:

    @codenator said:

    PL/SQL oh my god!!!

    That is the biggest WTF in hiistory no wonder you are passing magic numbers and giving out bum Java coding advice. Ha ha aha ahahaha

    PL/SQL has exceptions just like java. But well, I don't feel like discussing the pros and cons of PL/SQL coding with clueless people like you.

    Nobody advised anyone to pass magic numbers, just default values (that's not the same). I think you are nothing but a annoying troll who makes fun of us. I feel sorry for you. You must have had a difficult childhood.

    <FONT face=Tahoma>This point has been posted already by almost everyone here... But I feel this conversation would never end, so I might just add this up again... (who knows maybe it'll be clearer on the 121st try) :)

    So, let's say you have a mission critical application, which has a lot of settings stored on configuration files...for the mission critical components of this application, it really should be bubbled up, logged and brought immediate attention...but for non-mission critical components (like window sizes, font styles, colors, sizes, etc), why not set a default value instead of crashing the system and failing the entire process only to find out that a minor error caused it? Of course it too must be logged for the admins to check out and correct later...

    I can't imagine my web browser crashing and poping up / displaying error messages everytime a malformed html page was browsed. OUCH!

    Imagine being an admin who will be awaken each night to fix a mission-critical application's configuration by adding a missing fontfamily configuration. OUCH!


  • @ammoQ said:

    @codenator said:

    PL/SQL hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    PL/SQL muhahahahahhahah

    ahh that's going to amuse me all day.

    I bet your skills don't allow for a more detailed criticism. You don't know Java, you don't know PL/SQL... is there anything at all on your CV?

    I know PL/SQL and that's why i say hahahahahahahahaha

  • I think this thread has become long enough. Thread locked.

    Mods always have the last word.

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