Discourse and the Smooth Scrolling Chrome extension

  • Bug: On occasion, when a larger topic loads to the last post, and I try to scroll the mouse wheel down to see the rest of the suggested topics, it suddenly scrolls halfway up the visible posts. It usually occurs when launching a topic from suggested posts for some reason it seems, but just before I posted this it happened on this topic launched from the categories/main page.

  • @DrakeSmith said:

    Bug: On occasion, when a larger topic loads to the last post, and I try to scroll the mouse wheel down to see the rest of the suggested topics, it suddenly scrolls halfway up the visible posts. It usually occurs when launching a topic from suggested posts for some reason it seems, but just before I posted this it happened on this topic launched from the categories/main page.

    Jesus christ this is getting worse and worse - I thought for maybe a minute it was hardware related but I do not have the problem anywhere else. Am I the only one? I think it may be when I scroll almost immediately.

  • @DrakeSmith said:

    Jesus christ this is getting worse and worse - I thought for maybe a minute it was hardware related but I do not have the problem anywhere else. Am I the only one? I think it may be when I scroll almost immediately.

    Found it - it was my smooth scrolling extension in chrome. Had to blacklist this site and live with the jerky normal scrolling.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @DrakeSmith said:

    Found it - it was my smooth scrolling extension in chrome. Had to blacklist this site and live with the jerky normal scrolling.

    Apropos of nothing.. but why does Chrome need a smooth scrolling extension? I don't use chrome because HATE, but-- I thought Chrome's entire reason for existence was to be "smooth and sleek". I disabled Firefox's Smooth Scrolling because HATE. I assume Chrome has it on not only by default, but also without an option to turn it off. Is it that Chrome isn't smooth, or that it's smooth scrolling is utter bullocks shit?

    Also, I wonder exactly how horribly Discourse is chocking on it? Like, does the extension simulate 10 tiny scrolls from 1 actual "normal' scroll, so Discause assumes is should fire all it's history-poisoning and ajax-farting routines 10 times?

  • @Lorne_Kates said:

    Apropos of nothing.. but why does Chrome need a smooth scrolling extension? I don't use chrome because HATE, but-- I thought Chrome's entire reason for existence was to be "smooth and sleek". I disabled Firefox's Smooth Scrolling because HATE. I assume Chrome has it on not only by default, but also without an option to turn it off. Is it that Chrome isn't smooth, or that it's smooth scrolling is utter bullocks shit?

    Also, I wonder exactly how horribly Discourse is chocking on it? Like, does the extension simulate 10 tiny scrolls from 1 actual "normal' scroll, so Discause assumes is should fire all it's history-poisoning and ajax-farting routines 10 times?

    The extension scrolls by rows of pixels instead of lines of text, so it just flows better, and includes adjustments for speed, accel, amount, etc. Since it doesn't occur if you wait that half second after page load before scrolling, I imagine it messes up because of a slow down between scroll command and report of desired scroll position, or as you mention multiple requests/returns making it jump.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    WTF... why are there a dozen new posts that consist only of posts I've already read? I thought one didn't NEED "topics" to have conversations. Now the conversation about bugs is fragmented, and the conversation is broken.

    Also, the 'new' counter is broken.

    Also, the 'suggested reading' is now useless, since rather than seeing 10 threads I might want to read, I see 10 threads I've already read. But now I have to re-read them all to find out.


  • @Lorne_Kates said:

    Also, the 'suggested reading' is now useless, since rather than seeing 10 threads I might want to read, I see 10 threads I've already read. But now I have to re-read them all to find out.

    That's a bit short-sighted. Splitting a megathread into many tiny threads is a very rare operation.

    BUT I agree that maybe DC should remember that you've read all those posts. Surely all posts have a unique identifier regardless of where and when they exist?

  • Interestingly enough, the same extension on Linux at home does not do this (my work PC is windows, and yes I checked after re-enabling in the black list).

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @dhromed said:

    Splitting a megathread into many tiny threads is a very rare operation.

    For TDWTF, yes. But @codinghorror has a thing for atomic threads.

    Filed Under: Which is what you use to make nucular jeans

  • Banned

    I only care when we at Discourse world HQ are expected to process the information in that topic in some rational way, e.g. the topic is titled "genuinely useful Discourse bug reports".

  • Banned

    I moved 23 posts to a new topic: Is using Discourse to track bugs a WTF?

  • Banned

    I moved a post to an existing topic: Is using Discourse to track bugs a WTF?

  • I noticed in my notifications that @ufmace asked which extension it was, but his response got moved to another topic - anyways, as a note, it is this one: Chromium Wheel Smooth Scroller

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