Download algebra

  • Thats pretty cryptic.

  • AHA!  42!

    I'm going to have to work on my dialog boxes, mine are much too simple to figure out.  Everyone likes a good challenge, especially at work.  Breaks the monotony.

  • <font size="2">Is this a multiple choice test?

    D. Not enough information to solve the problem.


  • All I want to know is what was supposed to go in slot #4 that they felt they had to parameterize it?  Especially seeing as how "Mozilla" is apparently hardcoded just below there...

    Well, I suppose this works:
    The file "Alge.bra" is of type Undergarment (Bra), and Geek does not know how to handle this file type.

  • @FunnyMan said:

    All I want to know is what was supposed to go in slot #4 that they felt they had to parameterize it?  Especially seeing as how "Mozilla" is apparently hardcoded just below there...

    Well, I suppose this works:
    The file "Alge.bra" is of type Undergarment (Bra), and Geek does not know how to handle this file type.

    Maybe a component of the Mozilla suite this error came from (browser, mail, calendar) or to have the ability to use it in the various standalone spin-offs from the Moz code base (Firefox, Thunderbird, Sunbird, ...)

  • I'll pick Answer #4: Obiwan Kenobi

  • I'll take a #14, a #7, a #9 and lychees.

  • Dialog Madlibs!

  • @dhromed said:

    Dialog Madlibs!

    Hmm, so that's;
    1. Adjective
    2. Noun
    3. Name
    4. Name

    Okay...  Let's go with "stinky", "flute", "Henry VIII", and "Uncle Sam"

    The file "Henry VIII" is of type flute (stinky), and Uncle Sam does not know how to handle this file type.

    Meh, it's not pure dung, but the adjective describes it best.


  • @Anonymouse said:

    I'll take a #14, a #7, a #9 and lychees.

    Nicely put!
    So nicely that I felt compelled to finally upgrade myself from lurker status to point it out ;)

    Hmm and now I see why everyone mentions how difficult this forum software is.
    No, I didn't want to select that bit! wtf?!


  • Re: Download algebra

    @WEED said:

    @aihtdikh said:
    @Anonymouse said:
    I'll take a #14, a #7, a #9 and lychees.

    Nicely put!
    So nicely that I felt compelled to finally upgrade myself from lurker status to point it out ;)

    Hmm and now I see why everyone mentions how difficult this forum software is.
    No, I didn't want to select that bit! wtf?!


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    script:eval(document.xjs.innerText)')">Yes Indeed, WTF.</span>


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