Internet Explorer 6.0 and JavaScript

  • I have a bit of a problem and I hope someone here can help.  I have written a web page to allow clients to lock out their accounts.  When they click on the button to lockout the account a javascript prompt box is called.  It explains the the consquences of locking out their account and asks them to type CONFIRM of they really want to do it.  The process works fine in Firefox, but in IE only the first two lines of the text are displayed.  I have looked on the internet and have not found anything related to this.  I also have the 4th Edition of JavaScript: The Definitive Guide published by O'Reilly and it does not mention anything in there about any problems with IE.  Does anyone know a way around this?

    Thank you

  • I'm not really experienced with IE 6 but that sounds like some internal buffer cut off in IE for me. How about putting the warning inside an invisible div instead and showing it when the user clicks the button?

    In any case it would propably help if you posted a bit of the code. Is that possible?

  • It's very simple.

    The prompt box in IE does not support more than two lines.

    This bug persists in IE7 and instantly disqualifies any claim that IE7 is "rewritten from scratch" (though I'm not sure how proliferate that claim is)

    It persists, because nobody uses prompt boxes, I think. I also think the way they look is reason enough not to use them.

    Instead of having people type "CONFIRM", have you thought of using the confirm() dialog?

  • My guess is he doesn't want to use the confirm() dialog because most people are stupid and will immediately click OK without reading, and then later complain to the helpdesk or whomever that their account has been locked.

     I second the motion for using a DIV type pseudo-popup.

  • @PSWorx said:

    I'm not really experienced with IE 6 but that sounds like some internal buffer cut off in IE for me.

    It's not a buffer cutoff. The cuttoff is visual. You can still see the top pixels of the third line. They just never made that text area scalable.

  • Thanks for the replies.    I figured it was a problem with IE but I wanted a second opinion.  I did not use confirm() because as someone else posted I did not want
    someone just to click through it and then complain to the help desk. I like the idea of using the DIV tags and I will give that a shot. 

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