Poor Ed!

  • So, I'm an editor. Sorry.

    Now that I've gotten that out of the way, I should say this: I never trust Word's grammar check. That's obviously good advice in general, but I found a great reason to mistrust it. Here is a suggestion, where Word seemed to want to make poor Ed download malicious code! Poor Ed:


    (I think what happened is that there was in invisible character between "download" and "ed." To fix this, I just re-typed downloaded) 

  • Tell me again how the sentence (if you allowed Word's edit) could ever mean that Ed downloaded malicious code?  It seems that the new sentence would be "Instead, the bot download Ed other malicious code." - and that's just jibberish......./me scratches head


  • Well, it sounds more like it means that than any other English-looking sentence.

  • @ItsAllGeekToMe said:

    Tell me again how the sentence (if you allowed Word's edit) could ever mean that Ed downloaded malicious code?  It seems that the new sentence would be "Instead, the bot download Ed other malicious code." - and that's just jibberish......./me scratches head

     Well it's the only way the joke works...


  • Well I think Ed would be even more upset at being downloaded himself, and the suggestion that he's malicious code, which is more how I'd read it.

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