Representative line: The most involved of our calculations

  • We have a large number of complex calculations done in our software; for that, we have a business logic layer, which is chock-full of WTFs like passing method parameters as properties, etc., but let's not talk about that today.

    Today, I have for you a representative line, which is the entirety of the Calculate() method for one of our most complicated calculations.

            public void Calculate()

    Render() does exactly what you'd expect - it starts like this

            private void Render()
                BrushConverter bc = new BrushConverter();
                Brush brush = (Brush)bc.ConvertFrom("#193c9d");//007fe3");
                MainBorder.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;

    and does the calculation while building the controls.

  • Ouch, that's bad form (tadabing!)

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

     @configurator said:

    Render() does exactly what you'd expect - it starts like this

            private void Render()
                BrushConverter bc = new BrushConverter();
                Brush brush = (Brush)bc.ConvertFrom("#193c9d");//007fe3");
            MainBorder.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;

    and does the calculation while building the controls.


    "Say, Tom, let me calculate a little."



  • For bonus points: every time any property is changed, the control, with its dozens of subcontrols, all have to be recreated to calculate the new values - which causes considerable lag when changing values.

    Even if the property is something like "name" or "comment".

  • I had figured that bit out already. It's a wonderful design. Imagine the joys of porting it to another platform. Or changing the layout because some users have demanded to put a certain control in a separate tab. Spines tingle...

  • @TGV said:

    Imagine the joys of porting it to another platform.

    What I'm doing right now, you mean?

    @TGV said:

    Or changing the layout because some users have demanded to put a certain control in a separate tab.

    They've already done that, twice, for two screens that used to be identical.

    Now I have to port all three of those slightly different things.

    Happily, I get to write an API, then use it in the stuff that already exists, so it won't be that bad when they next have to change something.
    Unhappily, I can't find any way to represent all three almost identical data structures in a nice way, so there are still going to be multiple similar implementations. Makes me sad.

  • That's sad. There are some design patterns that can come in handy (if you don't know design patterns, do a google search).

    Template Method pattern comes to mind.

  • @configurator said:

    Unhappily, I can't find any way to represent all three almost identical data structures in a nice way, so there are still going to be multiple similar implementations. Makes me sad.

    What stops you using a simple base class for the common stuff with three derived classes for the variants?

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