Inspirational Stuff...

  • Whilst I'm wondering through the site - another little burst of inspiration from my TA last week...

    "We don't have any developers capable of design and innovation..."

    This spoken by a man with questionable at best credentials in either area, in a 20ft square room containing at another 8 developers...

  • It's good to know you're valued.

  • So that's where you got your username?

  • ♿ (Parody)

    What is a TA in this context?

    And the obvious many of your colleagues would you say are capable of design and innovation?

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @boomzilla said:

    What is a TA in this context?
    I'm guessing Technical Analysist.

  • TA here is Technical Architect...

    Yes, my username is derived from my rather unpleasant association with this individual. I'm sick of people assuming we're crap, because we're not - but this TA would have you believe he is the only person capable of intelligent thought...

    How many of us in this office are capable of innovation and design? I'd say 80% of us. True, there are some people who are PERCEIVED as weaker developers, but being fair to them they are never given a chance to demonstrate what they can do because the environment they work in is so restrictive. Also, as a TA (with pretentions of leadership), I would have thought the smart thing to do with weaker developers is to mentor them - give them guidance - and not marginalise them...

    ... but then what would I know? I'm not the TA...

  • @blakeyrat said:

    It's good to know you're valued.

    Is it? Really?

    One can only dream...

  • @DumbByAssociation said:

    "We don't have any developers capable of design and innovation..."

    "That's why we hire Architects and UI Designers so that the developers can get on with the job of building..."

  • If you employ a proper technical architect, perhaps...

    Ours wants to dominate and rule - preferably everything. Even our team manager has now become subservient to his whim...

    Some people's personality should simply preclude them from certain roles...

  • @DumbByAssociation said:

    Ours wants to dominate and rule - preferably everything

    Then make them accountable. Start referring every decision to them.

    "to truly destroy a person, simply make them into what they most desire"

    @DumbByAssociation said:

    Some people's personality should simply preclude them from certain roles...

    Get thee behind me, Belbin!


  • @Cassidy said:

    Start referring every decision to them.

    How shall we fuck off, O Lord?

    Shouldn't take too much concerted action along those lines to grind the bastard down.

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