How often might this happen?

  • 🚽 Regular

    I was trying to log into a site I had last visited 3 years ago and forgot my password, so I went through the recovery process. The presumably randomly generated password came up as "urDUM8H@ha"

    Now, I have to wonder, just how many times has, by total chance, someone gotten an insulting temp password from random characters? I'm sure some companies actually make some effort in avoiding auto passwords which are obviously insulting or obscene, but I'm sure there are some cracks in that system, such as a password being generated such as "F_CkY00h0mO" or "ur@NAz1" or something similar. They're obviously extremely rare, but the law of large numbers must play a role, not to mention there are tons of ways for a truly random string of characters at least resemble a phrase.

    I know some people have had obscene captchas and the like, but has anyone else here had tales of hilariously bad auto-generated passwords either from their own experience or through support tickets they've read from naive or overly sensitive customers who thought your employer was intentionally insulting them?

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @RHuckster said:

    I know some people have had obscene captchas and the like, but has anyone
    else here had tales of hilariously bad auto-generated passwords either from
    their own experience or through support tickets they've read from naive or
    overly sensitive customers who thought your employer was intentionally insulting

    Isn't 'best practice' these days to supply a URL with a timed (20 minutes/3 days/whatever) token to reset passwords?

  •  Who wants to visit the same site and go through the recovery process?  I'll bet everybody gets either urDUM8H@ha or something similar.
    Back in the 80s, the sysop of one of the local BBSes used to assign passwords tfrom sets of those "lover's dice".  People started announcing to the world that their passwords were things like "touchsoft" or "happykiss".


  •  My coworker related a cautionary tale once about a human password generator that would construct plausible-sounding random syllables, connect them, and occasionally you'd get something like fukshit or maybe lipdikpro.

  •  Is it classics time already ?

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