Yeah, this makes a lot of sense

  •  From a customer who writes an application that interacts with ours:


    "I debuged InputMethodManager.updateSelection to compare Email with other applications such as Memo and Message.
    This issue happens even selectionStart and selectionEnd are the same to other applications.
    Email uses updateInputMethodSelection() and updateInputMethodSelectionWithRandom().
    - updateInputMethodSelection() sets curSelStart and curSelEnd as 0.
    - updateInputMethodSelectionWithRandom() sets curSelStart and curSelEnd based on a random value due to webkit performance.


    In other words, they decided to call us with 2 random numbers rather than reasonable defaults, then wonders why we aren't working right.

  • ...not a single word understood o_O

  • :belt_onion:

    Needs to be updateInputMethodSelectionWithRandomRandom.

  • @veggen said:

    ...not a single word understood o_O


     Decoding what they type is half the fun of dealing with asian companies

  • Wow, so they made their own method that injects random values for the selection range, and they expect it to do what? Are they trying to fuzz your SDK? i should stop trying to come up with a resonable explanaiton for this insanity before it infects me.

    My response would be along the line of "looks like they answered their own question," though i would probably find a more 'interesting' way to say it. This is one of the reason i didn't interact directly with customers, i would send my replies to either a salesman, or my boss, depending on who was handling the question, and then the salesman would mangle the answer so that it replaces all of the origonal content with incorrect, incoherant babbling that in no way actuallly addressses the customers problem, in an attempt to explain it in a way the customer can understand.

  • @esoterik said:

    This is one of the reason i didn't interact directly with customers, i would send my replies to either a salesman, or my boss, depending on who was handling the question, and then the salesman would mangle the answer so that it replaces all of the origonal content with incorrect, incoherant babbling that in no way actuallly addressses the customers problem, in an attempt to explain it in a way the customer can understand.

    I'm guessing all of the other reasons are because of poor grammar, incorrect spelling, incorrect capitalization, run-on sentences...

  • void updateInputMethodSelectionWithRandom(InputMethodManager imm) {
        int rand = 4; //chosen by fair dice roll
                      //guaranteed to be random
        imm.updateSelection(rand, rand); 

  • @heterodox said:

    Needs to be updateInputMethodSelectionWithRandomRandom.

    Clearly what the need is an inputMethodSelectionFactory, which provides a getRandomInputSelection() method. Then they simply call updateInputMethodSelection(inputMethodSelectionFactory.getRandomInputSelection())

    That way they can decouple the interface from the implementation, allowing them to change the implementation to be a REST API running on a remote Node.js server. This would obviously give you much quicker and more random results, and it'll do it asynchronously, too!

  • Hilarious.

  • @Vanders said:

    @heterodox said:
    Needs to be updateInputMethodSelectionWithRandomRandom.

    Clearly what the need is an inputMethodSelectionFactory, which provides a getRandomInputSelection() method. Then they simply call updateInputMethodSelection(inputMethodSelectionFactory.getRandomInputSelection())

    That way they can decouple the interface from the implementation, allowing them to change the implementation to be a REST API running on a remote Node.js server. This would obviously give you much quicker and more random results, and it'll do it asynchronously, too!

    That was kind of funny until the Node.js bit. Enterprisey Java and Node.js are about as far apart as you can get.

  • @pkmnfrk said:

    void updateInputMethodSelectionWithRandom(InputMethodManager imm) {
    int rand = 4; //chosen by fair dice roll
    //guaranteed to be random

    imm.updateSelection(rand, rand); 


  • @toon said:

    @pkmnfrk said:
    void updateInputMethodSelectionWithRandom(InputMethodManager imm) {
    int rand = 4; //chosen by fair dice roll
    //guaranteed to be random

    imm.updateSelection(rand, rand); 


    Wow, thank you! Not only did we get an obvious, unfunny joke from a shitty webcomic, but now we get someone linking to the original! Why, this feels like my birthday!

  • @morbiuswilters said:

    @toon said:
    @pkmnfrk said:
    void updateInputMethodSelectionWithRandom(InputMethodManager imm) {
    int rand = 4; //chosen by fair dice roll
    //guaranteed to be random

    imm.updateSelection(rand, rand); 


    Wow, thank you! Not only did we get an obvious, unfunny joke from a shitty webcomic, but now we get someone linking to the original! Why, this feels like my birthday!

    Look, I'm sorry if I've annoyed you, but would you please just stay easy on the sarcasm? I'm not annoying people on purpose (well, except in this case maybe pkmnfrk) so I'd ask you to be a little more polite, if you can manage that. I've gotten the message by now: you think I'm an idiot. Thanks for repeatedly sharing that info but I'd like to ask you to please consider your point gotten across, if that's ok.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @toon said:

    @morbiuswilters said:
    Wow, thank you! Not only did we get an obvious, unfunny joke from a shitty webcomic, but now we get someone linking to the original! Why, this feels like my birthday!

    Look, I'm sorry if I've annoyed you, but would you please just stay easy on the sarcasm? I'm not annoying people on purpose (well, except in this case maybe pkmnfrk) so I'd ask you to be a little more polite, if you can manage that. I've gotten the message by now: you think I'm an idiot. Thanks for repeatedly sharing that info but I'd like to ask you to please consider your point gotten across, if that's ok.

    No, morbs just dislikes xkcd iwth a passion normally reserved for blakeyrat and java. This is practically a boilerplate response from him whenever a link like this comes up. Also, requests for politeness will be refused.

  • @boomzilla said:

    @toon said:
    @morbiuswilters said:
    Wow, thank you! Not only did we get an obvious, unfunny joke from a shitty webcomic, but now we get someone linking to the original! Why, this feels like my birthday!
    Look, I'm sorry if I've annoyed you, but would you please just stay easy on the sarcasm? I'm not annoying people on purpose (well, except in this case maybe pkmnfrk) so I'd ask you to be a little more polite, if you can manage that. I've gotten the message by now: you think I'm an idiot. Thanks for repeatedly sharing that info but I'd like to ask you to please consider your point gotten across, if that's ok.
    No, morbs just dislikes xkcd iwth a passion normally reserved for blakeyrat and java. This is practically a boilerplate response from him whenever a link like this comes up. Also, requests for politeness will be refused.
    I find this especially ironic coming from an admin who asks veteran users to tread lightly on the newcomers...

    And I agree about the politeness requests...  How the hell else will the noobs ever become as angry and socially inept as any of us?!  I wear my trigger-finger rage as a badge of honor, YOU ASSHOLE!

    Sorry, the meds haven't kicked in quite yet...

  • @C-Octothorpe said:

    @boomzilla said:

    @toon said:
    @morbiuswilters said:
    Wow, thank you! Not only did we get an obvious, unfunny joke from a shitty webcomic, but now we get someone linking to the original! Why, this feels like my birthday!
    Look, I'm sorry if I've annoyed you, but would you please just stay easy on the sarcasm? I'm not annoying people on purpose (well, except in this case maybe pkmnfrk) so I'd ask you to be a little more polite, if you can manage that. I've gotten the message by now: you think I'm an idiot. Thanks for repeatedly sharing that info but I'd like to ask you to please consider your point gotten across, if that's ok.
    No, morbs just dislikes xkcd iwth a passion normally reserved for blakeyrat and java. This is practically a boilerplate response from him whenever a link like this comes up. Also, requests for politeness will be refused.
    I find this especially ironic coming from an admin who asks veteran users to tread lightly on the newcomers...

    And I agree about the politeness requests...  How the hell else will the noobs ever become as angry and socially inept as any of us?!  I wear my trigger-finger rage as a badge of honor, YOU ASSHOLE!

    Sorry, the meds haven't kicked in quite yet...

    Yea... before I even made my first post here I was aware of the degree of hostility towards xkcd.  I made several posts just to prod the xkcd hate button by posting links.  But the random number generator holds a special dislike, that not even I would dare touch.

  • @Anketam said:

    @C-Octothorpe said:

    @boomzilla said:

    @toon said:
    @morbiuswilters said:
    Wow, thank you! Not only did we get an obvious, unfunny joke from a shitty webcomic, but now we get someone linking to the original! Why, this feels like my birthday!
    Look, I'm sorry if I've annoyed you, but would you please just stay easy on the sarcasm? I'm not annoying people on purpose (well, except in this case maybe pkmnfrk) so I'd ask you to be a little more polite, if you can manage that. I've gotten the message by now: you think I'm an idiot. Thanks for repeatedly sharing that info but I'd like to ask you to please consider your point gotten across, if that's ok.
    No, morbs just dislikes xkcd iwth a passion normally reserved for blakeyrat and java. This is practically a boilerplate response from him whenever a link like this comes up. Also, requests for politeness will be refused.
    I find this especially ironic coming from an admin who asks veteran users to tread lightly on the newcomers...

    And I agree about the politeness requests...  How the hell else will the noobs ever become as angry and socially inept as any of us?!  I wear my trigger-finger rage as a badge of honor, YOU ASSHOLE!

    Sorry, the meds haven't kicked in quite yet...

    Yea... before I even made my first post here I was aware of the degree of hostility towards xkcd.  I made several posts just to prod the xkcd hate button by posting links.  But the random number generator holds a special dislike, that not even I would dare touch.
    Well, not to make light of morbs' personal situation, but I think that this one really applies to this situation.

  • I love XKCD.

    But I don't post it.


    Instead, I post/link Penny Arcade strips, which are usually more apt to a situation.

  • @dhromed said:

    Instead, I post/link Penny Arcade strips, which are usually more apt to a situation.

    Really?  Half the strips are talking about dicks... oh, nvm.

  • @toon said:

    @morbiuswilters said:
    @toon said:
    @pkmnfrk said:
    void updateInputMethodSelectionWithRandom(InputMethodManager imm) {
    int rand = 4; //chosen by fair dice roll
    //guaranteed to be random

    imm.updateSelection(rand, rand); 


    Wow, thank you! Not only did we get an obvious, unfunny joke from a shitty webcomic, but now we get someone linking to the original! Why, this feels like my birthday!

    Look, I'm sorry if I've annoyed you, but would you please just stay easy on the sarcasm? I'm not annoying people on purpose (well, except in this case maybe pkmnfrk) so I'd ask you to be a little more polite, if you can manage that. I've gotten the message by now: you think I'm an idiot. Thanks for repeatedly sharing that info but I'd like to ask you to please consider your point gotten across, if that's ok.

    It's nothing personal, I just despise xkcd. Let's step outside our little aspie corner of the Internet and consider: if there was a comic by an accountant and every strip was some hackneyed, unfunny joke about the obscure technicalities of tax law, we'd hate those people, right? We'd correctly identify them as social retards. We'd realize their "humor" was nothing but a defense mechanism against their social ineptitude; a desperate cry for help from people who had never touched a vagina.

    And it's not just the fact that xkcd is painfully unfunny garbage. For example, I really like Seinfeld but have you ever met someone who insists on drawing parallels between everything that happens to them and some episode of the show? "OMG, it was just like the time George..." Imagine what kind of monster would do something like that. That's what you are doing when you desperately cram xkcd down our throats at every opportunity. "Oh goodie, a post where somebody used the word 'random'; time for me to whip out old #221!" "SQL injection? Why, I bet these fair chaps have never been introduced to the comic stylings of Randall Munroe and his fabulous Bobby Tables character!"

    Worst of all, even if xkcd was funny (and I assure you, it's not) it doesn't make you funny to bring it up. Only in very rare, rare circumstances is it actually as funny or charming as you think it is to reference somebody else's joke; and then only because your new joke gave a different twist to the original. Humor is about the unexpected, not the banal. Repeating the same joke over and over again isn't unexpected, it's annoying.

    In real life you can stab the wayward Seinfeld fan in the eye with a fork (similar to Season 8, Episode 10 The Andrea Dorea where Elaine is dating the guy who keeps getting stabbed by women because he's a "bad breaker upper"). Unfortunately I am unable to stab you in the eye with a fork so I must rely on verbal attacks. I know it hurts but it's the only way the Internet will be cleansed. I know you understand.

  • @dhromed said:

    I don't have a PA for this

    I felt this one was apposite.

  • @C-Octothorpe said:

    I find this especially ironic coming from an admin who asks veteran users to tread lightly on the newcomers...

    Jesus tipped over the Jews' money-changers table in the temple. None of us is perfect. Well, I actually am, but I exist in an imperfect universe and therefore I appear imperfect to the imperfect eye.

  • It's the same campaign we all did when the fucking Internet was full of dickweeds who'd do nothing but quote Monty Python no matter what the topic was or how relevant. We made it fucking unacceptable to do that. And it worked, people don't do that anymore. Even on Slashdot, the aspiest of aspie sites.

    I'm with Morbs on this one.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    It's the same campaign we all did when the fucking Internet was full of dickweeds who'd do nothing but quote Monty Python no matter what the topic was or how relevant. We made it fucking unacceptable to do that. And it worked, people don't do that anymore. Even on Slashdot, the aspiest of aspie sites.

    Yes, we stopped all that spam, spam, glorious spam!

  • @blakeyrat said:

    It's the same campaign we all did when the fucking Internet was full of dickweeds who'd do nothing but quote Monty Python no matter what the topic was or how relevant. We made it fucking unacceptable to do that. And it worked, people don't do that anymore. Even on Slashdot, the aspiest of aspie sites.

    I'm with Morbs on this one.

    Did you really make it unacceptable, or did you just bravely run away, away, from those sites?

  • @morbiuswilters said:

    @toon said:
    @morbiuswilters said:
    @toon said:
    @pkmnfrk said:
    void updateInputMethodSelectionWithRandom(InputMethodManager imm) {
    int rand = 4; //chosen by fair dice roll
    //guaranteed to be random

    imm.updateSelection(rand, rand); 


    Wow, thank you! Not only did we get an obvious, unfunny joke from a shitty webcomic, but now we get someone linking to the original! Why, this feels like my birthday!

    Look, I'm sorry if I've annoyed you, but would you please just stay easy on the sarcasm? I'm not annoying people on purpose (well, except in this case maybe pkmnfrk) so I'd ask you to be a little more polite, if you can manage that. I've gotten the message by now: you think I'm an idiot. Thanks for repeatedly sharing that info but I'd like to ask you to please consider your point gotten across, if that's ok.

    It's nothing personal, I just despise xkcd. Let's step outside our little aspie corner of the Internet and consider: if there was a comic by an accountant and every strip was some hackneyed, unfunny joke about the obscure technicalities of tax law, we'd hate those people, right? We'd correctly identify them as social retards. We'd realize their "humor" was nothing but a defense mechanism against their social ineptitude; a desperate cry for help from people who had never touched a vagina.

    And it's not just the fact that xkcd is painfully unfunny garbage. For example, I really like Seinfeld but have you ever met someone who insists on drawing parallels between everything that happens to them and some episode of the show? "OMG, it was just like the time George..." Imagine what kind of monster would do something like that. That's what you are doing when you desperately cram xkcd down our throats at every opportunity. "Oh goodie, a post where somebody used the word 'random'; time for me to whip out old #221!" "SQL injection? Why, I bet these fair chaps have never been introduced to the comic stylings of Randall Munroe and his fabulous Bobby Tables character!"

    Worst of all, even if xkcd was funny (and I assure you, it's not) it doesn't make you funny to bring it up. Only in very rare, rare circumstances is it actually as funny or charming as you think it is to reference somebody else's joke; and then only because your new joke gave a different twist to the original. Humor is about the unexpected, not the banal. Repeating the same joke over and over again isn't unexpected, it's annoying.

    In real life you can stab the wayward Seinfeld fan in the eye with a fork (similar to Season 8, Episode 10 The Andrea Dorea where Elaine is dating the guy who keeps getting stabbed by women because he's a "bad breaker upper"). Unfortunately I am unable to stab you in the eye with a fork so I must rely on verbal attacks. I know it hurts but it's the only way the Internet will be cleansed. I know you understand.

    Oh, I understand, all right. I've been posting on forums for quite a while. Just not this one. So I had no idea there was this thing about being against xkcd here. How was I supposed to know you guys hate it so much? Why not just go: "dude, FFS stop it, we hate xkcd around here". You've actually been at this before:

    @morbiuswilters said:
    Wow, did you just learn how to read or something? Thanks for pointing out the obvious.

    I just want to say, if you think I'm beneath you, that's fine, but you don't have to be such an asshole about it. Again, you've made that perfectly clear and the point has gotten across fine. Do you talk that way to strangers IRL? Coworkers? Are you even remotely this dickish IRL? I'm willing to bet that you're a real nice guy but you're sure not acting the part, although I like the Brave Sir Robin reference in that last post.

    @blakeyrat said:
    We made it fucking unacceptable to do that. And it worked, people don't do that anymore.

    Actually, they often have mods on other sites that will simply delete any annoying comments. Like "first post", for instance. What they do is put up house rules that say: no FiPos, no Monty Python, no xkcd. And bam, just edit or delete the posts that break the rules. You do have to keep at it but it sure helps deter the trolls.

  • @morbiuswilters said:

    Repeating the same joke over and over again isn't unexpected, it's annoying.

    For context, I should mention that by quoting xkcd, I was trying to tell that other person to think of their own joke.

  • @toon said:

    Oh, I understand, all right. I've been posting on forums for quite a while. Just not this one. So I had no idea there was this thing about being against xkcd here. How was I supposed to know you guys hate it so much? Why not just go: "dude, FFS stop it, we hate xkcd around here". You've actually been at this before:

    It's a community. There's no diktat that xkcd is verboten, it's just the opinion of myself and some other people, apparently. Feel free to post it, but don't be surprised if I snap sometimes and flame people over it.

    @toon said:

    I just want to say, if you think I'm beneath you, that's fine, but you don't have to be such an asshole about it. Again, you've made that perfectly clear and the point has gotten across fine.

    I don't think you are beneath me. Well, everyone is beneath me, but you are no more beneath me than anyone else.

    @toon said:

    Do you talk that way to strangers IRL? Coworkers? Are you even remotely this dickish IRL? I'm willing to bet that you're a real nice guy...

    IRL people have sharp implements and I have tender, delicate body parts. But, truthfully, a lot of this is just affectation. I'm sure you're a decent guy, or whatever, and most of my hate is directed at xkcd, but you're xkcd's manifestation on this site so this is how it goes.

    @toon said:

    Actually, they often have mods on other sites that will simply delete any annoying comments. Like "first post", for instance. What they do is put up house rules that say: no FiPos, no Monty Python, no xkcd. And bam, just edit or delete the posts that break the rules. You do have to keep at it but it sure helps deter the trolls.

    I don't like deleting or moderating anything except actual, legitimate spam. I prefer for the community to self-moderate and that means a lot more arguing and flaming but it also means less tedious groupthink. Look at Slashdot or reddit: they tried to do moderation in a fair, reasonable manner and they still ended up as cesspools of ignorant conformity.

    Anyway, this is all silly. You claim to have been "around the block" so-to-speak, but you've never encountered assholes who flame others? Harsh language? This is Internet 101.

  • @toon said:

    @morbiuswilters said:
    Repeating the same joke over and over again isn't unexpected, it's annoying.

    For context, I should mention that by quoting xkcd, I was trying to tell that other person to think of their own joke.

    A better way, post: "Hey, asshole, we all know there is an xkcd about this. Think up your own joke next time." As it is, it seemed like you were just jumping in to further spam the same unfunny joke.

  • @toon said:

    Oh, I understand, all right. I've been posting on forums for quite a while. Just not this one. So I had no idea there was this thing about being against xkcd here. How was I supposed to know you guys hate it so much?

    I know this is going to sound like getting in a cowardly late boot once everyone else has had their kicking opportunity, but.... if you've been posting on forums for some time, you have probably experienced lurking in forums for a bit just to get the "lie of the land", understanding regulars and their personalities, learning quirks of humour, spotting common trends and the like. It's the same with entering any new pub.

    FWIW, I'm a relative newcomer here and although I didn't know morb's hatred for XKCD, I do know that Bobby Tables gets rolled out fairly regularly in many dev discussions, almost as regular as the coffee-cup holder and "non-working monitor during power cut" on tech support boards.

    For pointers, you may want to use the search engine on here to see general feelings about: PHP, Java, Oracle, Perl... also love/hate of Microsoft/Apple/Linux. You'll also find some Sony/Nintendo/ebay/paypal in there too, I'll gather.

    Anyway, someone will have placated morbs back into his wizened rocking-chair in the corner with a pint of Septic Vajazzle (Amy Childs Microbrewery). Leave him to mutter darkly into his drink and snap at anyone that passes too close. No harm done. The moment has ceased to be. It's an ex-problem.

  • @morbiuswilters said:

    Feel free to post it, but don't be surprised if I snap sometimes and flame people over it.

    OK, I see your point. But it does sort of sound like that tatted-up guy I know; he gets into fights when he's out on the town and just shrugs: "Hey, I don't like it but sometimes I just see red, ya know?". It simply doesn't count, in my view. Having said that, I can suffer from a hair up my ass now and then myself. Still, I've seen newbies get bashed a lot in my time and I always hate that. Also, it's the tone that gets to me, that sarcasm. I can't stand it IRL either. I understand now that you're not just being a bully, so this shouldn't be taken as an attack; but my point about the wording was, that all that sarcasm and gall doesn't add to the message, ergo its only actual use is to make the other party feel bad. I don't really see how you can try to post the hardest, most gall-filled comment you can think of, and then turn around and say it's not personal. I'm not saying you meant it that way, but I am saying that you made it personal by adding that disdain.

    @morbiuswilters said:

    As it is, it seemed like you were just jumping in to further spam the same unfunny joke.

    On one hand, I can see why you might have thought that. My personal pet peeve is comments that have the recursion joke (I say "the", because there is, of course, really only one). My post might have seemed like one of those. On the other, you said I was cramming things down all of your throats by quoting xkcd at every opportunity; which is simply not true. If you're a moderator like you say you are, then you ought to know that I'd never quoted xkcd until today. That does not xkcd's manifestation on this site make.

    Anyway, I'll stop whining now; I'm under the impression that we understand one another fine. :)

  • @Cassidy said:

    @toon said:

    Oh, I understand, all right. I've been posting on forums for quite a while. Just not this one. So I had no idea there was this thing about being against xkcd here. How was I supposed to know you guys hate it so much?

    I know this is going to sound like getting in a cowardly late boot once everyone else has had their kicking opportunity, but.... if you've been posting on forums for some time, you have probably experienced lurking in forums for a bit just to get the "lie of the land", understanding regulars and their personalities, learning quirks of humour, spotting common trends and the like. It's the same with entering any new pub.

    Actually, I've never really "lurked" like that (except maybe on Stack Overflow). Come to think of it, I sort of feel stupid now because that's a very obvious thing to do. On the other hand, that takes a lot of time and effort. And to use your pub analogy, I wouldn't want to visit any pub where you can loudly get verbally abused, or laughed at, for bringing up, for example, a certain TV show. I go to the pub for fun. The analogy is a bad one, because IRL there's a social contract thing. I used to be a customer rep and worked at a counter, on the phone, and by e-mail. People get progressively more douchey in that order. Not less angry when they're wronged, just a lot more impolite.

    You're right about the moment, of course. What's done is done; you have to know a dead argument when you see one. It'd probably be pushing up daisies if I hadn't kept nailing it up.

  • @morbiuswilters said:

    Worst of all, even if xkcd was funny (and I assure you, it's not) it doesn't make you funny to bring it up. Only in very rare, rare circumstances is it actually as funny or charming as you think it is to reference somebody else's joke; and then only because your new joke gave a different twist to the original. Humor is about the unexpected, not the banal. Repeating the same joke over and over again isn't unexpected, it's annoying.

    In real life you can stab the wayward Seinfeld fan in the eye with a fork (similar to Season 8, Episode 10 The Andrea Dorea where Elaine is dating the guy who keeps getting stabbed by women because he's a "bad breaker upper"). Unfortunately I am unable to stab you in the eye with a fork so I must rely on verbal attacks. I know it hurts but it's the only way the Internet will be cleansed. I know you understand.


    Yeah, quoting other people's jokes is worse than that time on Family Guy where Peter got into a fight with a giant chicken and ended up sending Cleveland's bathtub crashing to the ground with him in it....

  • @toon said:

    Actually, I've never really "lurked" like that (except maybe on Stack Overflow). Come to think of it, I sort of feel stupid now because that's a very obvious thing to do.

    Look before you leap, etc. I got badly bitten before so lurking is now a caution I regularly revisit. Happens to all of us.

    @toon said:

    The analogy is a bad one, because IRL there's a social contract thing.

    Again, it depends which pub you visit, and cultures therein - many pubs in UK are a meeting place for those with shared radical views (be they race, sport, pasttimes etc) so strolling into a Red Team stronghold wearing a Blue Team strip is going to attract the wrong kind of attention. Yes, in an ideal world all newcomers would expect to be treated as a new customer and engaged as such, but some places are so set in their ways that it's almost tribal in nature.

    @toon said:

    You're right about the moment, of course. What's done is done; you have to know a dead argument when you see one. It'd probably be pushing up daisies if I hadn't kept nailing it up.

    What? You sound like you're making it up as you go along.

  • @Cassidy said:

    What? You sound like you're making it up as you go along.

    Since you said, "ceased to be", an "ex-problem", I figured you were quoting the dead parrot sketch. At one point the guy goes, "kicked the bucket, gone to meet its maker, pushing up daisies" and "I know a dead parrot when I see one and I'm looking at one now" (sorry about this, boomzilla...). Maybe I'm seeing things that aren't there?

  • .. perhaps another Python film? 8)

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @toon said:

    Since you said, "ceased to be", an "ex-problem", I figured you were quoting the dead parrot sketch. At one point the guy goes, "kicked the bucket, gone to meet its maker, pushing up daisies" and "I know a dead parrot when I see one and I'm looking at one now" (sorry about this, boomzilla...).

    What? Hey, I don't mind xkcd links or Python quotes. But there's no reliable way to keep from upsetting morbs about something, and often you get a crazy, witty diatribe out of it, so it's all worth it in the end. Blakeyrat is the one who's allergic to Python, and making him rant about stuff is regarded as one of the main features of the forum.

    What do bug me are TvTropes links. Not because they waste my time, but because I'm apparently immune to them in the way that morbs is immune to xkcd. I don't get why the rest of you think that site is so great. Oooooh, look, here's a site that tells me stuff I already know about the stuff I watch on TV!

  • @morbiuswilters said:

    Anyway, this is all silly. You claim to have been "around the block" so-to-speak, but you've never encountered assholes who flame others? Harsh language? This is Internet 101.

    And just like major assholes the internet is also full of cry babies with huge toes. (so you can only too easily step on them).The clash between the two extremes is a good source of hilarity, I couldn't live without it.

  • @boomzilla said:

    What do bug me are TvTropes links. Not because they waste my time, but because I'm apparently immune to them in the way that morbs is immune to xkcd. I don't get why the rest of you think that site is so great. Oooooh, look, here's a site that tells me stuff I already know about the stuff I watch on TV!

    90% certain there's a tvtropes page about that.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @dhromed said:

    90% certain there's a tvtropes page about that.

    You should totally find it and post a link.

  • @boomzilla said:

    @dhromed said:
    90% certain there's a tvtropes page about that.

    You should totally find it and post a link.


    I can't find a PA for this.

  • @dhromed said:

    @boomzilla said:

    @dhromed said:
    90% certain there's a tvtropes page about that.

    You should totally find it and post a link.


    I can't find a PA for this.

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