Cannot select-quote text on Chrome for Android 5

  • Banned

    There are two kinds of selection on my phone - the double-tap that selects single word, and hold-finger kind where I can adjust the selection. For some reason, the quote button works only with the former, making the whole functionality pointless, and rendering the forum unusable for me.

    Probably Google's at fault here, but filing the bug anyway because fuck Discourse.

  • @Gaska said:

    For some reason, the quote button works only with the former

    Funny, for me it only shows if I drag around the selection (occasionally multiple times as it doesn't always show so I have to drag the area selected back and forth over something to get the button to show up).

    EDIT: oh, which phone OS wasn't in the title when I first opened it up. I've got a different kind of phone.

  • Do you mean the "quote reply" button only shows up when you do the former, but not the latter?

    If so, that's not an Android 5 specific bug, as I get the same on Android 4.4. No clue if the bug is from Discourse or Android, though the discodevs should be working to fix it either way.

    Workaround is to highlight the text and click the normal reply button, which does the same thing as the "quote reply" button when text is highlighted. At that point, the "quote reply" button may show up for you, but after the selection is gone and you're in the composer.

  • Banned

    @ChaosTheEternal said:

    Workaround is to highlight the text and click the normal reply button, which does the same thing as the "quote reply" button when text is highlighted.


    Bonus WTF: once I've done the above, quote button works as it should.

    Edit: no wait, it doesn't. Bonus WTF #2?

  • This is a known issue. Affects Kit Kat as well.

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