The Official Status Thread

  • @e4tmyl33t said in The Official Status Thread:

    @tsaukpaetra Also, your ER copay went up by $150.

    I'm officially insane (no surprise). I read that as 'ER cosplay' and wondered how you made yourself look like a young George Clooney.

    Filed Under: Though I suppose you could have gone with Howie Mandel instead. Or Sherry Stringfield.

  • Considered Harmful

    @tsaukpaetra Thanks, Obama.

  • @gąska said in The Official Status Thread:

    @djls45 said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Gąska said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: Almost a month after buying a keyboard, I realized it's fundamentally broken. By which I mean, I can't write Ś on it. On standard Polish programmer's keyboard, it's AltGr+Shift+S. But when I press these three keys, it doesn't work. I can write ś, I can write S, but to write Ś, I have to use Caps Lock or right Shift (which I'll never get used to). I guess I shouldn't be surprised after spending $7.50 on it. Although I'd expect a Polish manufacturer to make sure typing all Polish letters works, even in lowest tier model.

    To be fair, when using proper typing technique, a letter on the left side of the keyboard should be typed with the right shift key, and vice versa to use the left shift with letters on the right side of the keyboard. :pendant:

    Is there any reason why it's so, or is it more like proper steering wheel holding technique (different in every country, none having any benefits over any other two-handed hold)?

    It's the way I learned proper typing technique, with the hands based in "standard position" with the fingertips of the left hand on asdf, the fingertips of the right hand on jkl;, and the both thumbs resting on           . The fingers reach from "home position" to the various keys, and key combinations are split between both hands, so that the fingers on one hand don't have to stretch apart or contort in order to reach all the keys. Supposedly proper technique reduces the likelihood of getting carpal tunnel syndrome.

  • @djls45 The AltGr is on the right side, so either way you're typing characters on both sides of the keyboard.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: Sometimes I want to punch the innocence out of people... 😞 Does that make me a horrible person? Or just terrible?

  • Banned

    @tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    black horse sea men encourage july teen.

    I think I've seen that movie.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @gąska said in The Official Status Thread:

    @tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    black horse sea men encourage july teen.

    I think I've seen that movie.

    Huh, how that you mention it, I think I have too!


    Oh, right! Id ph57998727edb19....

  • Banned

    @tsaukpaetra if you're going to link it, please put it in NSFW thread.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @gąska said in The Official Status Thread:

    He's been sitting there on the pole and meowing at the top of his lungs for good 10 minutes.

    Just 10 minutes? Meh. When he's calmed down a bit, he'll remember how to get himself out of the fix he's in. It'll be good for him to rescue himself.

  • Banned

    @dkf in the meantime, all our neighbors develop deep hatred for our cat, and by extension, our family. Cats are LOUD when they want to.

  • Considered Harmful

    Status: Just spent the last, oh I think it's been four or so hours now repeatedly trying and failing to get something to work.

    Just for fun, I had decided to try and create another Discord bot. This one's going to be named Sonar, because it sounds cool and isn't taken and isn't PieBot. I thought I might actually use this one, unlike PieBot, so I searched for some free application hosting that wasn't a trial because insert poor university student stereotype here. Best I could find was Heroku - confirm with a credit card and deal with low memory, and I'm basically golden. So I spend a little bit getting acquainted with how Heroku does things. Note that this is the first time I've ever done anything more complicated with an actual console app than running it locally.

    Now, Heroku doesn't support C# natively, but it does support using things to make it support other things, called 'buildpacks'. So I started searching for buildpacks for C#. Roadblock #1: Apparently nobody has ever heard of using .NET Core for literally anything besides ASP.NET. I in fact found one single buildpack for Mono without ASP.NET, but I had experienced some funny bugs when using Discord.Net on the Framework before, so I wanted to stick to Core for now. Eventually I found one that worked with non-ASP.NET applications, even if it did still assume you were using ASP.NET and therefore downloaded Node.js and gulp every time you built the project.

    heroku create --buildpack [pack url] - success! Yay! And now git push heroku master - wat? What's a stack? Why'd it fail because of it?
    Roadblock #2: After more digging, looks like that command on the Heroku website that you copy into your CLI verbatim does not actually work, even though it's autogenerated. The project depends on the cedar-14 stack, whatever that means, and the default is heroku-16. Gee, you couldn't have that as buildpack metadata? :thonking: Anyway, I heroku destroy the original project, create a new one with an extra --stack cedar-14, and now try the git push again. Aaaaand flop. Roadblock #3: Apparently it's looking for a csproj file, and it can't automatically find it despite the fact that it's literally right there. It probably needs the folder name to be the same as the .sln name. The bot was still inside PieBot's folder along with the original bot and another failed idea, and so were my modified versions of the Discord.Net projects, even though only the necessary ones (Sonar and the Discord.Net libraries it used) were in the Git repo (I know, bodge, but STFU a good tool should accommodate weirdness). Oh well. More digging time.

    Further searching turns up a thing called .deployment. I don't know if this is standard procedure, so excuse my silliness if it is. (Post-rant but pre-Submit edit: I have now learned that this is standard for Azure. Still, fuck these guys. If you don't document it in your readme, how the fuck do I know to do it?) But it was really not listed in a very easy to find place. I create the file, add it to the repo, and try git push again. Aaaaaand flop. Because what the fuck are subprojects? Roadblock #4: Apparently when I specify project in .deployment, rather than the eventually linked wiki page saying that all the dependencies are included, it really just copies the files it cares about (i.e. ones involved in that one particular project) and stops there. So Sonar gets sent to Heroku, and Discord.Net doesn't. Perhaps the bodge is actually something I should actually fix.

    Ok. New Sonar solution. After fiddling around with packages trying to get subfolders to behave, I eventually said 'fuck it' and put the Discord.Net namespaces directly into the Sonar project. I have stopped caring about the fine details right about now, and just want to get my fucking Discord hello world hosted. I install the packages that the projects previously depended on into NuGet, and hooray, they install. I set up the run config, run the application while praying, aaaaaand flop. What the FUCK? Microsoft.CSharp.Core.targets is invalid? /me rubs eyes Am I seeing this right? I click the error, and the core targets file appears, and several of the properties are errored out. Jesus. I figure that it might have had something to do with using Core 1.1 instead of 2.0 (since that's what the buildpack supported). I forked the buildpack and changed the versions so it'd work with 2.0 (and removed all the Node code, though since I don't know Bash that was about the extent of my changing ability), and switched my project back to Core 2.0.

    And then proceed to spend the next fifteen minutes trying to coax NuGet into behaving properly. It refused to import the 2.0.0 version of Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection, failed with an error with zero actual message besides the exception's stack trace, and then reverted the project to netcoreapp1.1. Every goddamn time I did anything. Uninstall the DI package and reinstall? No dice. Uninstall every package and reinstall? No dice. Close Rider and reopen? No dice. Delete the cache folders? No dice. I eventually get the bright idea of uninstalling everything, closing Rider, deleting the cache folder, reopening Rider, and reinstalling all the packages. Finally, the project stops reverting to 1.1 and accepts the DI install.

    At this point, I'm ready to hurt someone, and of course that only gets compounded when it fails again with the same message. All of that for nothing! Yay! This time I assume nothing. I paste the error verbatim into Google (it's not copyable for some reason, god dammit. ShareX text recognition to the rescue!), and I get a link to a Rider issue that was fixed... in the public beta? :headdesk: The PieBot solution must have had some pre-existing setting in it that the Sonar solution got the 'latest' version of, though I don't know solution file format so I don't know what it is. Oh well. Check for updates, get latest update. It's a full reinstall, so I have hopes for this being fixed. Open it up, run, aaaaaaand flop. Apparently the framework version 2.0.5 is not installed on my computer? That might have been the setting, but no way to know. 🤷 (Precomposed rant ends here; this is now in real-time.) All right, updating the SDK. Certainly takes its damn time. Oh GOOD. RESTARTING. EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED. THERE IS TOTALLY A REASON FOR ME NEEDING TO RESTART MY FUCKING COMPUTER FOR .NET CORE TO WORK. ABSOLUTELY.

    Well, I pretend it didn't say that, and just set the version back to 2.0.3, which I probably should have done at the start instead of updating .NET Core. And we're right back to Core.targets being invalid. This is getting fucking ridiculous. I search some more. Apparently it's looking for RunCsc.cmd in the wrong place; \dotnet\sdk\2.1.4\Roslyn\RunCsc.cmd instead of \dotnet\sdk\2.1.4\Roslyn\bincore\RunCsc.cmd. All right, copy the file over, edit it so its working directory is still \bincore, push Run again, and 🙏. Aaaaand flop. Now RunCsc is exiting with code 1. Yee-haw. After some more screwing around with files, including seeing what happens if I edit Core.targets manually to remove the things Rider tells me are illegal, I dotnet run to see what the full error is, and like a miracle, it works. God dammit, Rider, what could you possibly be doing to fuck it up this badly? Of course it works now, because it knows it doesn't have to rebuild, but if I change anything, it fails with the same error. Okay, so Rider is fully broken at this point, but there's no way I'm switching to VS now, not when I'm so close. I change 'build before run' to an 'external tool' of dotnet build, fix it throwing an exception immediately because a certain build flag wasn't specified (don't ask), and now we're finally back at square one. Time for Heroku.

    heroku create --stack cedar-14 --buildpack [forked pack]. Success. git push heroku master and I forgot to update the buildpack URLs. git push heroku master and I forgot to update the versions. git push heroku master and... done... installing... completed... deployed!

    I can die in peace now. Tomorrow I'll probably work on actually making a bot now that I have completed the astronomical task of compiling, running, and uploading a program.
    Fuck everything. Except for cats. I like cats.

  • Status

    Got to work and discovered that the Tim Hortons cup is leaking, so now there's a mess in my cup holder.

  • @hungrier 🎶 blame Canada 🎶

  • @anotherusername said in The Official Status Thread:

    @djls45 said in The Official Status Thread:

    The cat climbed up; it can climb back down. It's just that people get upset about Fluffy meowing up there and think that she's stuck.

    "Can" doesn't equal "knows how". Climbing down headfirst doesn't work, and the cat might sooner die than try to climb back down ass-first without the ability to see where it's going.

    They don't instinctively know how; it has to be learned, and if they've never seen another cat do it successfully, they might not be able to figure out how to get down. Most likely they'd either get so weak that they'd fall out of the tree, or some other predator would come by and make an easy meal of them once they're either dead or too weak to defend themselves. The kind thing to do is just to rescue them, if possible.

    Especially in this case, it had been up there for several days in freezing weather.

    Somewhat relevant, from another thread:

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @pie_flavor said in The Official Status Thread:

    @lorne-kates said in The Official Status Thread:

    bolded text****


    Your mom told me to tell you that rolling your eyes isn't polite. She'd tell you herself, but her mouth's a bit full right now.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @pie_flavor said in The Official Status Thread:

    @lorne-kates said in The Official Status Thread:

    @pie_flavor said in The Official Status Thread:

    @lorne-kates I cannot help but snicker at that. The idea is to have insults which actually ring true, you know.

    Just because YOU think your mom is ugly-- which, BTW, is a horrible thing to say about your own mom. You should be ashamed.

    edititalicised text**: fucking hell, where is "enter raw" mode?

    @pie_flavor said in The Official Status Thread:

    @lorne-kates said in The Official Status Thread:

    @pie_flavor said in The Official Status Thread:

    @lorne-kates I cannot help but snicker at that. The idea is to have insults which actually ring true, you know.

    Just because YOU think your mom is ugly-- which, BTW, is a horrible thing to say about your own mom. You should be ashamed.

    Your logical fallacy is using 'Your Logical Fallacy Is dot com'.

    You don't understand logic or reasoning, and instead of being able to argue a point, you just barf up a link to "Your Logical Fallacy Is dot com" instead of having to think for yourself. You're a mindless sheep bleating into the void.

  • 🚽 Regular

    Status: Worked out why my 'is this thing near other thing?' co-ordinate comparison was giving weird results, I'd set the diameter of the world in kilometers when the rest of my code wanted meters. E_WORLD_TOO_SMALL

    Now getting OVER_QUERY_LIMIT from Google though, guess I need a paid account.

  • Status: I made it to work. I want to go home.

  • sekret PM club

    @magus That's my status every weekday. (Well, except Thursday and Friday this week, since I took those off for my birthday.)

  • @e4tmyl33t For some reason, mondays have hit me much harder this month.

  • sekret PM club

    Really more of a status from yesterday, but...

    Really tempted to just start a whole new Subnautica save after last night. Ended up losing my Cyclops sub (and the materials and Prawn suit walker-thing that were stored inside) to a Ghost Leviathan, and it's gonna be a nightmare to regather the materials to rebuild those. If I'm gonna spend that much time, I might as well restart and maybe do an entire playthrough for videos or streams or something.

  • Also Status: I Played a bunch of the new Civ6 expansion over the weekend, along with the first .hack//G.U. game. Both were awesome. The former is a lot more rewarding now that it has more short-term goals, and the latter has an amazing amount of dialogue, text, and various other stuff. I'm like 6 hours in, and my character is only level 15.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @pie_flavor said in The Official Status Thread:


    What was that about the sweet awesomeness that is Jetbrains?

  • Status: The sellers accepted my offer last week. We had the home inspection last Friday, which turned up a few issues (mostly wear and tear, no structural problems, no deal breakers) that have been written into the contract to repair or discount. I've assembled the financial documentation on my end, and now it's time to play the waiting game to find out what's next. Settlement is at the end of next month.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: The Master Server's VM creation logic is suddenly falling over.

    Only blobs formatted as VHDs can be imported.

    WTF nothing's changed for over a year, why are you suddenly breaking!?!?

    Edit: nothing for it, somehow magic pixies are at work here...


  • I survived the hour long Uno hand


  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    somehow magic pixies are at work

    Retried the upload:


    Uh huh...

    Great... Time to dig in and do it by hand one line at a time...

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    do it by hand one line at a time...

    No even line-by-line-ing it, I just opened a console and re-executed the command manually, and lo it's working. :facepalm:

    WTF even....

    Edit: Nevermind. The connection is getting closed still. Hmm...

  • Considered Harmful

    @lorne-kates said in The Official Status Thread:

    italicised text**


    @pie_flavor said in The Official Status Thread:

    @lorne-kates said in The Official Status Thread:

    @pie_flavor said in The Official Status Thread:

    @lorne-kates I cannot help but snicker at that. The idea is to have insults which actually ring true, you know.

    Just because YOU think your mom is ugly-- which, BTW, is a horrible thing to say about your own mom. You should be ashamed.

    Your logical fallacy is using 'Your Logical Fallacy Is dot com'.

    You don't understand logic or reasoning, and instead of being able to argue a point, you just barf up a link to "Your Logical Fallacy Is dot com" instead of having to think for yourself. You're a mindless sheep bleating into the void.

    I save my good arguments for people who deserve them. And if it takes zero effort to disprove your statement, I think it says more about your statement than it does the disproving tactic.

  • @pie_flavor said in The Official Status Thread:

    And if it takes zero effort to disprove your statement, I think it says more about your statement than it does the disproving tactic.

    Like how you say Discourse > NodeBB :doing_it_wrong: ?

  • @jazzyjosh said in The Official Status Thread:

    Discourse > NodeBB

    On a :wtf: scale, sure :trollface:

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @pie_flavor said in The Official Status Thread:

    I save my good arguments for people who deserve them. And if it takes zero effort to disprove your statement, I think it says more about your statement than it does the disproving tactic.

    You're right. It did take zero effort to get your mom into bed.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    The connection is getting closed still.

    So, the connection is getting closed because "Invalid or Corrupted VHD file". Fine.

    Why is it being called corrupt? I can mount it just fine, did a chkdsk, everything's fi--- Wait, did the fileshare just die??? :wtf:

    Apparently, a ping to thea domain server is failing once in a while, which makes FreeNAS freak the fuck out (since it's supposed to be authenticating against the domain). Fine, if it couldn't successfully ping in a consecutive five minutes or so. But no, first time it fails, it restarts the whole samba stack once it succeeds, because why not?

    Sometimes the bleeding edge can hurt a bit...

    Lesson learned: Never trust exceptions to lead you to the actual problem.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: This is why having multiple copies of the code on the same branch is a bad idea...

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: You know, I was promised that by not running Genuine Windows™ that I would not receive updates and be unprotected from haxors.


    I feel lied to.

  • Considered Harmful

    Status: My English teacher (the one which had us make a meme for our first assignment) has now dished out the 'social media post' assignment. We are supposed to respond, as if on a public forum, to a news article about college life, stating how college life is different from the way they portray it.
    The teacher suggested the Washington Post. I'm thinking Campus Reform. :trollface:

  • @tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: You know, I was promised that by not running Genuine Windows™ that I would not receive updates and be unprotected from haxors.


    I feel lied to.

    I like the concept of a piece of software being able to declare itself non-genuine. If someone really made fake Windows, why would they add that part in? If your Windows says it's non-genuine, it's either a really honest fake or Windows is lying to you.

  • Notification Spam Recipient


    I'm using Windows' own functions to load and parse ini files. But for raisins, it doesn't handle files with a BOM.

    Fuckin hell!

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: Whelp, looks like the latest Windows Update broke WinBuilder.


    Edit: Or maybe even earlier. I just installed a new VM to 1703 and it's doing the same... :/


  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    it's doing the same...

    Alright, wiped the workspace. Obliterated it from the Perforce server records. Recreated. Now it's back.

    NFC what happened, but looks like we're BAU again...

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: at friend's house to checkup their computer...


    😢 this outta be fun...

    Edit: Hmmm...


  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: gg...


    Scrolled to the bottom, not actually at the end of the thread...

  • :belt_onion:

    @tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:


    I'm using Windows' own functions to load and parse ini files. But for raisins, it doesn't handle files with a BOM.

    Fuckin hell!

    IIRC it says about a million places in that API documentation that those functions are outdated, exist for compatibility purposes only, and you're not supposed to use them.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @heterodox said in The Official Status Thread:

    about a million places in that API documentation that those functions are outdated

    They didn't put a DEPRECATED decoration on them. I didn't see it from what I remember.

    Actually, the only warnings I get tend to be about using a few old time functions and casting a few things to a smaller data type.

  • @tsaukpaetra I think ini files themselves are probably more or less deprecated. Expecting them to support Unicode of any sort is probably expecting too much -- just consider yourself lucky if you can get away with putting UTF-8 byte sequences in and it doesn't munge them up...

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @anotherusername said in The Official Status Thread:

    @tsaukpaetra I think ini files themselves are probably more or less deprecated. Expecting them to support Unicode of any sort is probably expecting too much -- just consider yourself lucky if you can get away with putting UTF-8 byte sequences in and it doesn't munge them up...

    That's the thing, the files themselves are just bog-standard ASCII, I have no idea when or where or why the BOM got introduced into the file at all.

    My bet is Notepad.exe being "helpful"....

  • @groaner said in The Official Status Thread:

    Settlement is at the end of next month.

    I closed a house in 2.5 weeks. Wuss.

  • @tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    I'm using Windows' own functions to load and parse ini files.

    You realize that shit was all deprecated in like 1993. Jesus man.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @blakeyrat said in The Official Status Thread:

    @tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    I'm using Windows' own functions to load and parse ini files.

    You realize that shit was all deprecated in like 1993. Jesus man.

    What's the leanest non-external-library method for loading a few strings/integers for the purpose of configuring a C++ console application in 2018?

  • @tsaukpaetra Don't use C++, it's shit. Is my answer.

    If you were using a decent language that wasn't shit, you could just do like JSONDecode<MyType>(File.ReadAllText( Whatever ))

    EDIT: also don't make a console application. WHAT FUCKING DECADE IS IT WHERE YOU ARE? Hint: the century ticked over almost 20 fucking years ago. Christ man.

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