The Official Status Thread

  • @benjamin-hall

    Apparently it's getting some better questing and such in an update this month.

  • Status: The guys behind our soda vending machine in the foyer are a bit disorganized - I wonder what they have their dispatch for.

    So, yesterday during a long conference in the afternoon I noticed that said machine was telling us it's out of order - which was a bit of an annoyance because I was thirsty.
    Then I noticed that the status display also stated:

    Please call

    #0118 999 881 999 119 725



    Since I know how it is sometimes, I decided to give them a call because I figured that better they're called twice than everyone thinking that someone else already called them, with the result of it being fixed exactly never. I mean, surely they'd be able to tell me: "Yes, we already know about that problem but thank you kindly for reporting it!"

    Called them and got their dispatcher on the line. Gave her the exact location, error code and everything ("Well, the error code is: 'Out Of Order' - does that help? Oh, wait, there's also a small #44 that flashes up for a nanosecond.") and then she asked for my number so that the technician could call me back.
    I'm like: "Um, I don't know why he would want to call me back? I'm not invested in this machine, I'm not responsible for it and it's not a life-or-death situation. But okay..."

    Next morning I get a call from the guy. He doesn't know where I am, he doesn't know what type of machine or which error it displayed. In short: Dispatch told him squat. And since, of course, I got the call nowhere near the machine I also couldn't tell him the exact error code. So he asked me to go to the machine and then call him back. Alright.

    Walked to the machine and lo! and behold: It was already fixed. Our catering staff told me that I had just missed the technician who fixed the machine.

    That's a great dispatching service those guys have...

  • @tsaukpaetra Yep, Azure SQL supports that, for future reference.

  • @benjamin-hall said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: Need game recommendations. Things to consider:

    • PC master race.
    • Cheap.
    • RPGs are best, not fond of twitch-based or puzzle games.
    • Relatively tasteful. PG13 for violence, PG for nudity/sexual content.
    • Preferably a good story to explore (single-player). First person to suggest a MOBA will get a hearty 🖕 from me.
    • Preferably either through GOG or Steam.

    Probably too expensive still:

    Mix between real-time and turnbased dungeon spelunking:

    Turn based dungeon spelunking:

    There's also Shadowrun: Dragonfall and Shadowrun: Hongkong

  • The New Colossus is going to be on Switch.


  • MRW I finally get home and get my soylent meal

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: Weird. Chrome won't talk to my FreeNAS box at the moment...


    Internet Explorer is fucked too:

    Edge is working, kinda, but the page keeps freezing.

    Methinks it's time for a reboot...

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @tsaukpaetra Sounds like the webserver is being very slow to deliver up the bits of the SPA webapp. Edge is more aggressive than Chrome about caching that stuff so it gets further, but that just means it gets stuck on the parts where it has to really talk to the server.

    It's hopefully a problem of being IO-bound somewhere, and that'd be fixed by a restart, but the worry is why that is happening. There's too many things that can cause that, some of which are harbingers of major trouble ahead.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @dkf said in The Official Status Thread:

    @tsaukpaetra Sounds like the webserver is being very slow to deliver up the bits of the SPA webapp. Edge is more aggressive than Chrome about caching that stuff so it gets further, but that just means it gets stuck on the parts where it has to really talk to the server.

    It's hopefully a problem of being IO-bound somewhere, and that'd be fixed by a restart, but the worry is why that is happening. There's too many things that can cause that, some of which are harbingers of major trouble ahead.

    I dunno, all the bits came through speedily enough, but an awkward JS error may have just killed the dojo...


  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: External fan 1 on main laptop base 0 is showing reduced RPM and is making uncomfortable noise. Wondering how easy it is to source a 5V 120mm slim computer fan...

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    Wondering how easy it is to source a 5V 120mm slim computer fan...

    Looks easy to me.

  • Java Dev

    STATUS: Now it really shows how shit september was for my productivity at work. I am slightly behind, but this week (especially today) it would have helped to be completely in phase. This friday does have the very apt date of friday the 13th as it is combined deadline for the, well, let's call them TPS reports which are a company-wide status report to assist all from my coworkers here all the way up to C-level. Friday also happens to be Mandatory Fun Day™ where the special this time is that everyone has to dress up and wear suits. Woo...


    Gearing up for a big meeting where CEO will present her "vision" for the company.

    She does like her grand visions.

  • Java Dev

    As an addition to my previous status: as it is mandated that the entire company does this on the same day, the planning tool has ceased working due to it not being designed to cope with everyone using it at exactly the same time, so now I can't do the work I need to do. Awesome.

    Also, I woke up extra early this morning thinking I had overslept while it was 45m left until the alarm would go off. Fuck dreams which cause those shock awakenings.

  • sekret PM club

    Status: Already hating today. Came home from work yesterday to find the stuff in my freezer half-unfrozen. Did everything I could to try and make sure it wasn't external (cleared out as much dust/etc as I could so the fan wasn't blocked, turned it up to try and force it working, etc) and let it run for a while, hoping it was just something like "last time I closed it it didn't quite seal right and now it'll refreeze". Went to bed. Woke up this morning, and it's in pretty much the exact same state. Fridge is no colder than it was last night, freezer stuff still half-unfrozen.

    This is gonna be expensive as fuck to replace...

  • kills Dumbledore

    @e4tmyl33t Do you have contents insurance that covers freezer spoilage?

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Status: The office stinks like something died. Seriously, it smells like week-old fish or a gently-dessicating mouse… 🤢

  • sekret PM club

    @jaloopa What? Is that actually a thing?

    I mean, most of what's in there isn't important (though it did ruin all my ice cream, which I'm slightly pissed about). The actual food inside it I can replace easily. It's the fact that now I'm gonna have to shell out for a new fridge is the problem.

  • kills Dumbledore

    @e4tmyl33t said in The Official Status Thread:

    What? Is that actually a thing?

    On some policies, yeah. I looked into it when I came back from holiday to discover the electric had been out and my full height freezer was full of disgusting warm food. Didn't bother making the claim in the end as it would have raised my premium by too much for the amount I could claim.

    @e4tmyl33t said in The Official Status Thread:

    The actual food inside it I can replace easily. It's the fact that now I'm gonna have to shell out for a new fridge is the problem.

    Yeah, that's an issue. You can get a basic freezer for fairly cheap though

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Status: So, yesterday evening, I was skimming /. before going to bed (yeah, yeah, I know), and ran across this article:

    My first read last night was "oh, boy, more stolen Bitcoins, news at 11".

    After re-reading the headline this morning, I can conclude I stayed up way too long yesterday.

  • @magus said in The Official Status Thread:

    The New Colossus is going to be on Switch.

    This is what Bethesda does now instead of making games. Constant re-releases and ports.

    They didn't port Morrowind to new consoles 6 years after its initial release, because they were too busy making games. Now they seem to have all the time in the world for Skyrim SE, Skyrim on Switch, Fallout 4 in VR, etc.

  • @e4tmyl33t said in The Official Status Thread:

    freezer stuff still half-unfrozen

    Easy fix: put everything outside on your balcony,

    Oh, wait, you're not in Canada 🍁

  • Status: can't decide whether to prune the tentacles (tentacle count at time of posting: 3) from my current XKCD garden.

    (Armadillo count at time of posting: 12. This garden just won't stop sprouting armadillos.)

  • sekret PM club

    @timebandit I kind of wish I was. It's still pushing 80 degrees F here on some days...and it's October!

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @carrievs said in The Official Status Thread:

    (Armadillo count at time of posting: 12. This garden just won't stop sprouting armadillos.)

    Get the herons to eat the armadillos.

  • Garbage Person

    At my desk ten minutes. Already have a headache

  • @e4tmyl33t I'm joking, but Montreal's marathon was on September 24th, and the 42.2km run was cancelled because of the weather. It was 30 degrees Celsius that day (86 Fahrenheit), with the Humidex levels making it feel like 39 Celsius (102.2 Fahrenheit).

    The 10-kilometre and half-marathon races went ahead, but ended with nearly 900 need medical treatment because of the heat.

    Now it's back to a more normal 9 degrees Celsius (49 Fahrenheit)

  • Status: Was wondering why the ADS1015 usually reported a voltage of 0.0 V after 2 to 10 seconds of taking measurements through the I2C interface of an Arduino. I then had to cut the power to get it to work again.

    The tutorial I was following connected the VDD to the 5 V port on the Arduino. After reading the actual data sheet, turns out that I should use the 3.3 V pin for that to avoid the snapback. The tutorial also didn't mention that I should decouple the connection to VDD with a 0.1 uF capacitor...

  • Status: Making progress on my current project. Sometimes I want to give my pupils access to my Surfaces but I don't want them to browse to random websites. And while we do have a reverse proxy, that thing is not exactly configured for a "internet on/off" task. Especially when I also need whitelists.

    Thankfully, someone created something just like that - basically, I'm installing a small DNS server and configure my PCs thus that all DNS requests run through my server. And thanks to wildcard support, I can ban stuff like *.com. I can also add/remove sites/wildcards through the command line.

    But my colleagues are not quite comfortable with the big configuration page. They also don't like the command line. And while I could whip up a basic and simple website to control this stuff from, I'll go for this:

    An Arduino nano with a WiFi module (maybe I can make do even with the WiFi module alone) and some coloured LEDs and a big button.

    Everytime they press the button, a request gets sent over WiFi to the server which then responds with the current mode which in turn determines which LED(s) is/are alight: Blue for "Connecting/Starting up", green for "Internet is on" and red for "Internet is off".

    If I can pull this off my colleagues will proclaim me a god.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: Would that there was an easy button:


    "Something went wrong. Push button to fix."

    Like, what issues? Boot drive dirty? Pending installation? DevOps wants to know!

  • @tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    "Something went wrong. Push button to fix."

    That's not what it's saying...

    Select this message to fix and finish updating.

    No need to push a button, just select the text of the message.

    That's a fine OS you're using there 🤷🏼♂

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @timebandit said in The Official Status Thread:

    @tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    "Something went wrong. Push button to fix."

    That's not what it's saying...

    Select this message to fix and finish updating.

    No need to push a button, just select the text of the message.

    That's a fine OS you're using there 🤷🏼♂

    Gorramit I tried it!


    Status: Feeling gullible today...

  • @sloosecannon said in The Official Status Thread:

    ...and Subpixels Quarks are the only elementary particles in the Standard Model of particle physics...

    Now you fucked up.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: I think my sanity needs checking...

                //Retrieve owners
                var Owners = db.AspNetUsers.Join(
                    i.Select(x => x.CreatedBy)
                    .Union(i.Select(x => x.StaticMesh.Skins.SelectMany(y => y.Textures).SelectMany(z => z.Texture.CreatedBy)))
                    , x => x.Id, y => y, (x,y) => new { x.UserName, x.Id });

    In theory this should give me a list of AspNetUsers (the username and ID part anyways) of a list of objects.
    Works fine without that Union, but it seems to think that I want a Char to be returned on that side so adding that breaks the statement at runtime. Somehow.


  • @anonymous234 I just watched Sweeney Todd last night...

  • @atazhaia said in The Official Status Thread:

    where the special this time is that everyone has to dress up and wear suits.


    I don't own one (that fits).

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    sanity needs checking...

    Sanity checking in progress.

    I'm also converting DB model objects into an equivalent object that's more cut down and leaves off some of the ID fluff (that doesn't transfer between DB instances).

    This for an Import/Export function.

    Export basically looks like this:

    return Content(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(db.CHAR_Parts.Join(data.ExportIDs, x => x.Id, y => y, (x, y) => x).ToList().ConvertAll<CHAR_PartsExport>(x => x)), "application/json");

    Import... Well, since each subobject needs to determine if the DB already holds it, and to update it if necessary (or create), it gets... messy.

    And the ASP.Net view templates that let this happen on upload (I display a summary of the objects that were uploaded, so that's another set of hacks) are also fun and "crafty" (Seriously, why doesn't MVC create an appropriate EditorFor/HiddenFor template for "complex" objects? WTF man!).

    But, it works. And now I'm on to the actual GUI interface to actually edit these data structures in a more sane way than is current...

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: Tried the "YouTube Mix" auto-playlist thing for the first time ever just now.

    Stupid thing literally put duplicate videos that I just watched multiple times. Greater than 70 percent of the 50 videos were duplicated at least once, some multiple times.

    WTF! Forget that, I'm not watching ads every time I skip just because Google is so dumb at understanding that maybe I don't want to watch the same video over and over again I have to keep skipping to the next entry in the list...

  • Java Dev

    STATUS: The thursday project planning meetings are going great. Today it was cancelled yet again, because they needed the discuss another project. So, this far we've managed to have one(!) thursday meeting, all the rest have been cancelled. And next week will be cancelled too most likely. I only wish they could inform in time instead of coming the same morning, as I could come into work an hour later if the meeting isn't happening.

    At least the meetings are to plan for something that starts next year, so there is time. But it would help if those meetings would actually start to happen on a regular basis!

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Staus: irrationally feeling like I really need to cuddle.

    I guess I'll have to make do with this pillow... 😦


    @tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    Boot drive dirty?

    I told you not to store your porn there!

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    status: I have a new stalker on YouTube as well as FimFiction. Waiting to see if Facebook or Google plus get tacked next...


    Boss has hired a Unity guy. Again, no Mettle (although I am not even sure how I would test him).

    I looked him up. His previous company had one game released on Steam - a waaaay overambitious MMO shooter/something, which has completely flopped. He was listed as the lead developer.

    As boss was introducing him to his workplace, I came over.

    Me: So... you want me to set him up with a git account?
    Boss No need for now.
    UnityGuy: Yes, let's not overcomplicate things.
    Me: ...Okaaay....

    Walk away.

    (I will use TitleCase for him, because he's a C# rube)

  • @cartman82 said in The Official Status Thread:

    No need for now.

    He'll get sacked in a week anyway?

  • @maciejasjmj said in The Official Status Thread:

    No need for now.

    He'll get sacked in a week anyway?

    More likely, the other Unity guy made a complete mess of things, so now they are rushing to fix things for The Big Presentation (as usual).

  • area_pol

    @cartman82 said in The Official Status Thread:

    Me: So... you want me to set him up with a git account?
    Boss No need for now.
    UnityGuy: Yes, let's not overcomplicate things.

    To be honest, using git with game engines may be complicated.
    My experience is with Unreal, but maybe relevent:

    • most objects are stored in binary files
    • a lot of big files, sometimes some cached data - like static lights - are saved in the file too
    • a lot of locations to gitignore
    • some built-in git integration that I am too lazy to learn, it is rumored to be able to diff some of those binary file

    I am the only one on the project so treat git like a backup, but merging changes from different people - that might be hard.

  • @adynathos Agreed.

    Johnathan Blows uses SVN for his games, for the same reasons.

  • @rhywden said in The Official Status Thread:

    Thankfully, someone created something just like that - basically, I'm installing a small DNS server and configure my PCs thus that all DNS requests run through my server.

    How soon before your pupils find a way to redirect to an alternative DNS server or manage to edit hosts locally?

  • @japonicus said in The Official Status Thread:

    @rhywden said in The Official Status Thread:

    Thankfully, someone created something just like that - basically, I'm installing a small DNS server and configure my PCs thus that all DNS requests run through my server.

    How soon before your pupils find a way to redirect to an alternative DNS server or manage to edit hosts locally?

    The accounts are pretty locked down so they can't change those settings. Also, whatever the talk is about how the kids of today are such "digital natives", in reality they may know a bit better to use some programs but the inner workings elude 99% of them.

    And I figure the one guy or girl who manages to achieve this then also deserves unfettered access. Plus, the devices reset after shutdown so the changes would not be permanent anyway.

  • @tsaukpaetra String implements IEnumerable<Char>. Double-check that skins have many textures and that textures have many creators (i.e. that Texture.CreatedBy is IEnumerable<String> rather than String), and if not change that last SelectMany to a regular Select.

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