Math-based captcha: because computers are notoriously bad at arithmetic



    This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.
    Math question: *
    eight + ___ = twelve
    Solve this math question and enter the solution with digits. E.g. for "two plus four = ?" enter "6".

    Like any captcha, this will filter out lots of spambots and a few drunk humans. Still.

  •  Seriously.. wtf?


  • So what? You've left the comment field blank and didn't change the name field. Type anything in the comment field and change the name field, then it works.

    Okay, it's a WTF that they allow a registered user with the default entry of the name field, but it's not unreasonable that they smell possible spam and ask you to fill in the CAPTCHA (hint: look below).

  • Like any captcha, this will filter out lots of spambots and a few drunk humans. Still.

    Captchas are easier to read when drunk. They go with the flow.

  • TRWTF is that they assume that a) the person reading this magic captcha speaks english (because if you say "1 × 5 = ?" its apparently not friendly enough....) b) that the person can SPELL (because ate and eight are homophones!) and c) that the person knows basic mathematics. Or can at least do them in their head. Note, that the CAPCHA I got was " ?? / 195 = 394.33 " and it woldnt accept my answer (76894.35)... (Mmm... at least it wasnt integral calculus.... I'd have been really stuck then... oh wait I bet there's some in there too...)

  • @Indrora said:

    TRWTF is that they assume that a) the person reading this magic captcha speaks english (because if you say "1 × 5 = ?" its apparently not friendly enough....) b) that the person can SPELL (because ate and eight are homophones!) and c) that the person knows basic mathematics. Or can at least do them in their head. Note, that the CAPCHA I got was " ?? / 195 = 394.33 " and it woldnt accept my answer (76894.35)... (Mmm... at least it wasnt integral calculus.... I'd have been really stuck then... oh wait I bet there's some in there too...)

    Brillant ! At the risk of stating the obvious, the 394.33 should 394.3333.. and the ?? should be 76895 exactly. People who don't understand floats should be taken out and shot (not you, Indrora, I mean the perpetrator of this atrocity).

  • @Indrora said:

    TRWTF is that they assume that a) the person reading this magic captcha speaks english (because if you say "1 × 5 = ?" its apparently not friendly enough....) b) that the person can SPELL (because ate and eight are homophones!) and c) that the person knows basic mathematics. Or can at least do them in their head.

    I'm pretty sure locking out people who don't speak English, can't spell and can't do basic math in their head is a good thing.

  • Also, I should point out that if you have JS disabled and try to submit a blank form, you get redirected to a page that uses a traditional CAPTCHA.

  • @morbiuswilters said:

    @Indrora said:
    TRWTF is that they assume that a) the person reading this magic captcha speaks english (because if you say "1 × 5 = ?" its apparently not friendly enough....) b) that the person can SPELL (because ate and eight are homophones!) and c) that the person knows basic mathematics. Or can at least do them in their head.
    I'm pretty sure locking out people who don't speak English, can't spell and can't do basic math in their head is a good thing.

  • @morbiuswilters said:

    @Indrora said:

    TRWTF is that they assume that a) the person reading this magic captcha speaks english (because if you say "1 × 5 = ?" its apparently not friendly enough....) b) that the person can SPELL (because ate and eight are homophones!) and c) that the person knows basic mathematics. Or can at least do them in their head.

    I'm pretty sure locking out people who don't speak English, can't spell and can't do basic math in their head is a good thing.

    But think about how dull this forum would be without those people!

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