Vmware-config fail

  • Garbage Person

    Accepting the EULA (after just holding down the spacebar to get through it, hence the extraneous spaces). Bold is my input.


    Do you accept? (yes/no)           yes\

    The answer "yes\" is invalid.  It must be one of "y" or "n".

    Do you accept? (yes/no) yes

  • @Weng said:

    just holding down the spacebar to get through it

    I am amused.

    Brute-force installation, not all that dissimilar from holding the phone out in the air while the boring other party is talking.

  • Garbage Person

    What, you want me to page through and read the entire 20-page EULA just because I'm the unfortunate bastard that has to install it?

  • @Weng said:

    What, you want me to page through and read the entire 20-page EULA just because I'm the unfortunate bastard that has to install it?


     I'm pretty sure the installer just uses the "less" utility to display the EULA, so you can press 'q' and skip all the spacebar-holding nonsense.

  • Garbage Person

     I remember trying this at some point in the distant past. It didn't work then, so I haven't bothered trying it again. But whatever. The WTF is somewhere else - note that the prompt asks for one thing, and then the error message asks for something totally different.

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