Timezone on this site

  •  Just noticed that the times on this site appear to be coming from an hour in the future. There has been discussion at work about Max Headroom (which was set 20 minutes into the future) but an hour seems a little too much! :)

    My profile preference is set to GMT+10 hours and it is 11:37pm, but I bet this post will appear at 12:37... Is it daylight savings "up top" and the server admin doesn't know about timezones or something?

  • CommunityServerCriticizerFactory.getCommunityServerCriticizer().criticize(TDWTF.getForums());  // returns "Welcome to Community Server, get used to it."

  • @Zemm said:

    My profile preference is set to GMT+10 hours and it is 11:37pm, but I bet this post will appear at 12:37... Is it daylight savings "up top" and the server admin doesn't know about timezones or something?
    A few other sites I used to visit (each using different BB/Forum software) had this issue, so it could be that many admins just get confused with timezones, or the software doesn't quite do the timezone conversion correctly (eg: some java routines don't send out the correct timezone if you use the MDT/EST style names, but works fine if you use Canada/Mountain or Europe/Moscow).

  •  As long as it correctly displays read/unread icons, I don't care much for the times.

  • Appears to work fine for me. The setting is +3 (Moscow), daylight savings make that +4, and the correct time is displayed.

    And Ling: I have yet to see a freeform text time zone field (save for a few IRC bots).

  • @Spectre said:

    Appears to work fine for me. The setting is +3 (Moscow), daylight savings make that +4, and the correct time is displayed.

    So are you saying this site is anti-southern-hemishpere people then? We are going into winter, so no daylight savings, but my state doesn't have DST anyway.

  • @bstorer said:

    CommunityServerCriticizerFactory.getCommunityServerCriticizer().criticize(TDWTF.getForums());  // returns "Welcome to Community Server, get used to it."

    Well that's why I decided to put this post into General Discussion instead of Side Bar.

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