You are now on Blu!

  •  Team Fortress 2 seems to be full of small glitches like these, at least it was until I stopped playing around December. I remember for the longest time, the little idle animation for the Pyro on the class screen didn't animate. It just broke during one of the updates and the developers left it that way for months.

  • WTFs that I can see (as a non-TF player):

    1. Your HUD suggests you're on Red still
    2. Blue is misspelled
    3. When your team was switched they didn't respawn you, and from the looks of it you're in the perfect place to hurt the two infront of you with an unfair advantage
    4. Your gun barrel isn't straight
    5. The guy in-front of you is holding the gun backwards

  • @Lingerance said:

    WTFs that I can see (as a non-TF player):

    1. Your HUD suggests you're on Red still
    2. Blue is misspelled
    3. When your team was switched they didn't respawn you, and from the looks of it you're in the perfect place to hurt the two infront of you with an unfair advantage
    4. Your gun barrel isn't straight
    5. The guy in-front of you is holding the gun backwards
    • TWTF
    • Intentional
    • He simply is still on red, so no killing.
    • No need for a straight barrel on a flamethrower

  •  Builder's League United Vs Reliable Excavation Demolition



    One thing I noticed that gets annoying and is noticble on soldier is that my reticile is no longer actually pointing where i shoot, but instead it is off... Then jumping or whatever else seems to reset it.

  • @Daid said:

    @Lingerance said:
    5) The guy in-front of you is holding the gun backwards
    5) No he isn't:

    Too bad.  A "shoot backwards" mode would be great (or even better, a temporary handicap/"anti-powerup" that could be acquired).  Would be hilarious to watch.

  •  If you look at the log on the left it shows what happened:

    1. System switched foxen (the poster) to team BLU for game balance. This puts the message on the screen.
    2. System switched entire teams. (all BLU players change to RED, and vice-versa) No message this time -- it's the end of the round and all players know what's happening.

    This puts foxen back on team RED , which updates the HUD colors, but not the message.

    Still, the text is quite confusing -- they should probably update that one specific message at the same time they update the colors.

  • The last time I got auto-balanced on round end, it had the correct color listed; not sure why it's wrong here.  I think CP Assault and PL maps also use a different auto-balance screen (with "You are now attacking!" or "You are now defending!" instead of the team colors, despite those always being BLU and RED respectively).

    There are still some other WTFs in TF2.  There's one in which your team HUD color doesn't always change when you're auto-balanced, meaning that youor HUD will be the opposite of your new team color.  Your portrait is still correct, though.  It gets really confusing as a Spy, as when you're disguised, you can see both teams' nameplates.

    There are still animation bugs if you switch weapons in the middle of an attack.  Or during a taunt.

    The annoucer only announces the map type after the first player joins a team.  No one else hears it.

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