Google search "latest ubuntu release"


    A hearty "Oh, well played sir *golf clap*" to the Uncyclopedia posse, who have stitched google up something proper by getting the #1 search result... well done those trolls!

    It must be true I saw it on Google

  •  I don't know about you, but that site sounds a lot more interesting than the second one.

  •  @amischiefr said:

     I don't know about you, but that site sounds a lot more interesting than the second one.

    Highly recommend both Uncyclopedia and Encyclopedia Dramatica for essential LULZ research :-)


  •  I find it interesting though, that the link isn't shown as a normal search result, but as an encyclopedia entry instead. So Google really gave Uncyclopediathe same status as Wikipedia and others? This calls for interesting results for the future...

  • @PSWorx said:

     I find it interesting though, that the link isn't shown as a normal search result, but as an encyclopedia entry instead. So Google really gave Uncyclopediathe same status as Wikipedia and others? This calls for interesting results for the future...

    They've probably wildcarded the whole domain.

    Which means that 99% of what Google now thinks of as "facts" are actually about imaginary people and things in the Star Wars universe.  Doh!

  •  It's times like these that make me glad I'm a contributor there.


    Go go gadget uncyclopedophiles!


    <font size="7">RISE FROM YOUR GRAVE!</font>

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