The page has been changed, so please try again later

  • Today's wtf has been kindly donated by the ieeexplore site:




    Two errors, two solutions:

    Your request cannot be processed at this time.
    Please try again later. We apologize for any inconvenience.


    The page you are looking for might have been changed or removed.
    Please go to IEEE Xplore and update your bookmark. (no apologies this time, sucker)




  • I've just had a messed up thought. You think they'll ever try to standardize error messages?

  •  You read all that? My thought process goes more like so..

    1) Notice irregular text in page.

    2) Start reading

    3) Confirm something's wrong by the time I've read "Your request cannot be proces...." 

    4) Hit reload

    5) Prof If output remains the same, go elsewhere.

  • Well, it [b]is[/b] possible that the request can't be processed, but the page isn't present anyway.

  •  Why does a web application need a release number?  Do they happen to have another IEEExplore floating around the internet somewhere?



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