• Minor WTF, but live right now on the BBC news homepage:


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  • 404

     But surely the BBC News home page is ?

  •  @spike_tt said:


     But surely the BBC News home page is ?


    Aww they fixed it already.  And I should really have said "live on the BBC news homepage: a link to ...."

    I have a screenshot of it on the homepage but it's really not very exciting; just a load of Xs in the Northern Ireland section

  • @RoBorg said:

     @spike_tt said:


     But surely the BBC News home page is ?


    Aww they fixed it already.  And I should really have said "live on the BBC news homepage: a link to ...."

    I have a screenshot of it on the homepage but it's really not very exciting; just a load of Xs in the Northern Ireland section

    <pun type="extended" quality="0" shame="0">
    So, before Northern Ireland got home rule, the English were trying anything they possibly could to stamp out Catholicism in Ireland. As nothing seemed to be working very well, the C. of E. decided that it would call on other faiths for help. After all, most of the population was either Catholic or Protestant, so if some non-Christian group gained a toehold while driving out the Catholics, it would be easier to get rid of them again than to deal with the existing division. They sent out the call, and on the chosen day, about a hundred people of various unusual-for-England sects showed up. These were divided up to cover the ground as evenly as possible and sent out.

    Now, there's nothing which demands unusual material like religious ceremony, and very soon the unusual missionaries were demanding that the government manage the procurement. Grudgingly, the government paid for a central depot, and hired a cockney couple to keep it stocked and fulfill the requests which were coming in. These two, Valentine and Charlie, spent every day counting sacrificial daggers, dispatching prayer wheels, sorting altar cloths, and doing harder-to-enumerate things to more esoteric things. One day they got a letter from two well-meaning but inefficient witches. (Not Wiccans. Wicca was made up in the 1950s. Witches.) The witches said that they were stationed in Cork, and they had cast every spell they had on the local Catholics, and were rapidly running out of maledictions, could Valentine and Charlie please dispatch some fresh curses post haste?

    Well, Charlie whistled under his breath, and headed for the shelf devoted to Cork. He checked twice, but there was nothing there which could be considered a curse in any sense which a witch would be likely to accept. So he called out to his wife:

    "Val, love, we're bang out of curses for County Cork. What the bleedin' 'ell do I give the witches?"

    "Tsk. I'll pop another requisition in the post. I tell you, Charlie, why not look on anovver shelf — there's a load of 'exes in the Northern Ireland section."


    Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week. Don't forget to tip your servers, or at least shake your workstations.

  • @The Vicar said:

    Don't forget to tip your servers, or at least shake your workstations.

    This was funnier than the entire story.  However, I give you credit for going into so much detail and providing such a rich back-story for such an utterly lame punch-line.


    +3, Funny 

  • @morbiuswilters said:

    @The Vicar said:

    Don't forget to tip your servers, or at least shake your workstations.

    This was funnier than the entire story.  However, I give you credit for going into so much detail and providing such a rich back-story for such an utterly lame punch-line.

    Hey, I warned you it was an extended pun with zero quality. That, boys and girls, was what we call truth in advertising.

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