The Official Status Thread

  • Bah. I have a cookbook with a recipe for a broth that calls for 40 cloves of garlic. I've never made it, but allegedly it's not pungent if, when you cut the cloves, you cut out the little growth bud at the base.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @HardwareGeek said:

    allegedly it's not pungent if, when you cut the cloves, you cut out the little growth bud at the base.

    That matters fuck all. It matters in how long you cook the garlic in oil (due to the fact that cooking it in the soup limits your temperature level to ~212F).

    BTW, the recipe you are talking about is a variation on:

    It does not end up overly garlicky. It has more of a sweet/garlic flavor. Good stuff.

  • You made me drag out that cookbook, and it turns out either my memory is faulty, or I'm conflating it with a different recipe (which is arguably also a memory fault, of a somewhat different sort). I got it totally wrong. The recipe does not mention cutting out the growth bud (but I know I've read some recipe that does), and I've read some recipe that calls for that many cloves of garlic (maybe the one you mention, maybe not), but it's not this one; it only calls for 1 head – about 16 cloves.

    @Polygeekery said:

    It matters in how long you cook the garlic in oil (due to the fact that cooking it in the soup limits your temperature level to ~212F).
    This recipe calls for simmering the garlic (whole cloves) in the broth for 30 – 45 minutes, and discarding the cloves and bay leaf, keeping only the clear broth.

    @Polygeekery said:

    BTW, the recipe you are talking about is a variation on:

    My bad memory notwithstanding, no, it's not. This is a vegetarian broth that can be used as a clear soup in its own right, or used as a base for any recipe that calls for broth. It also probably predates that recipe, or at least it certainly predates the internet version of it, coming from The Vegetarian Epicure, by Anna Thomas, ©1972, p. 51.

  • Status: Wanted to make the title of this thread Status: Welcome to the 6-o-clock news. I'm your anchor, Arthur Anymoredoughnuts. Our top story today: Rudolph the red nosed reindeer dead at 53. Over Barcelona today, the famed reindeer was hit by a flock of seagulls and a 747. Eyewitnesses report that the reindeer in Spain was hit mainly by the plane. but An error has occurred.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    I thought you were going to go for the “rock star finds there is a limit to the amount of certain substances that he can consume” vibe, though I suppose you've still got “killed while getting high”…

  • You can actually Google the quote I tried to set as the title to see where I stole it from.

  • First three hits for me are links to here with different ?page=111# (2,3, and 8). Most of the following are tumblr. Though the Whose Line is it Anyway is obvious from the tumblr junk.


    @ben_lubar said:

    but An error has occurred.

    I don't get this part of your proposed title ...

  • Status: Saw a Researching Online For Dummies book sitting in the break room when going to the vending machine. I'm worried if a coworker needs to be reading that, we deal in some regulated things so dumb mistakes could cause legal issues .

  • @HardwareGeek said:

    Bah. I have a cookbook with a recipe for a broth that calls for 40 cloves of garlic.

    Jesus Christ, that makes you into a chemical weapon.


  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Maciejasjmj said:

    Jesus Christ, that makes you into a chemical weapon.

    High-garlic food can be very nice. The chicken-with-garlic recipe mentioned earlier is very good.

    However, 40 cloves of raw garlic is indeed in chemical weapon territory. Great for calming pre-interview nerves! 😈

  • @dkf said:

    High-garlic food can be very nice.

    For you, maybe. For people around you, well...

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Maciejasjmj said:

    For you, maybe. For people around you, well...

    Consider that a bonus if you're using public transport! [spoiler]It's not actually all that unpleasant if well-cooked. The key stinker component is pretty volatile.[/spoiler]

  • STATUS: Why the fuck do I need something like DesktopOK so my icons don't get screwed up every time I use remote desktop or temporarily change the resolution in any way?

    It's been decades, Microsoft! FIX YOUR ICON LAYOUT SHIT!

  • Status:

            //well, it's too late. this code lives on its own now.
            //todo make some goddamn sense out of it
            public IEnumerable<GroupedEntryOrSubentryView> GetGroupedByDateParameter(DateTime date, Parameter parameter)
                var entries = _repository.GetEntriesByDateParameter(date, parameter.GetDBValue()).Select(x => EntryView.FromDAO(x));
                var subentries = _repository.GetSubentriesForDateParameter(date, parameter.GetDBValue()).Select(x => SubentryView.FromDAO(x));
                var mismatchingSubentries = subentries.Where(sub => !entries.Any(entry => 
                    entry.SomeIdentifier == sub.SomeIdentifier
                    && entry.SomeFlag == sub.SomeFlag
                    && entry.SomeField == sub.SomeField
                    && entry.SomeIndicator == sub.SomeIndicator
                    && entry.SomeArea == sub.SomeArea));
                var entriesWithSubentries = entries.Select(entry => new EntryWithSubentries { Entry = entry, Subentries = subentries.Where(
                    sub => sub.SomeIdentifier == entry.SomeIdentifier
                    && sub.SomeFlag == entry.SomeFlag
                    && sub.SomeField == entry.SomeField
                    && sub.SomeIndicator == entry.SomeIndicator
                    && sub.SomeArea == entry.SomeArea).ToList() }).ToList();
                entriesWithSubentries.AddRange(mismatchingSubentries.GroupBy(sub => new { sub.SomeIdentifier, sub.SomeFlag, sub.SomeField, sub.SomeIndicator, sub.SomeArea }).Select(x => new EntryWithSubentries { Entry = null, Subentries = x.ToList() }));
                foreach (var ews in entriesWithSubentries)
                    ews.Subentries = ews.Subentries.OrderBy(sub => sub.SomeIdentifier)
                        .ThenBy(sub => sub.SomeFlag)
                        .ThenBy(sub => sub.SomeField)
                        .ThenBy(sub => sub.SomeIndicator)
                        .ThenBy(sub => sub.SomeArea)
                        .ThenBy(sub => sub.SomeNumber)
                entriesWithSubentries = entriesWithSubentries.OrderBy(ews => ews.Entry == null ? ews.Subentries.First().SomeIdentifier : ews.Entry.SomeIdentifier).ToList();
                var groupedEntries = entriesWithSubentries
                        .GroupBy(ews => ews.Entry == null ? ews.Subentries.First().SomeIdentifier : ews.Entry.SomeIdentifier)
                        .Select(ewsList =>
                            var list = new List<GroupedEntryOrSubentryView>();
                            foreach (var ews in ewsList)
                                if (ews.Entry != null) list.Add(GroupedEntryOrSubentryView.FromEntry(ews.Entry));
                                        (x => 
                                                GetSomething(ews.Subentries, x, ews.Entry),
                                                ews.Entry == null ? null : (long?)ews.Entry.ID                                            
                            if (list.Any())
                                var sumEntry = GroupedEntryOrSubentryView.FromAmounts(
                                    list.Sum(x => x.Amount1) ?? 0,
                                    list.Sum(x => x.Amount2) ?? 0,
                                    list.Sum(x => x.Amount3) ?? 0,
                                    list.Sum(x => x.Amount4) ?? 0
                            return list;
                return groupedEntries.SelectMany(x => x).ToList();

    Anyone knows what this code does? Because I don't, and I wrote it.

    Filed under: .SelectMany(x => x) means you're in deep shit

  • FoxDev

    @Maciejasjmj said:

    Anyone knows what this code does? Because I don't, and I wrote it.

    missing a lot of context but it looks like it's filling a datagrid of some kind with subentries grouped by entries and filtered via some flags.

    if you want a more detailed analysis i'll need a bit of time and a bottle of liquor. ;-)

  • 🚽 Regular

    RDP onto a machine with a different number of monitors always buggers something up. Also the craptacular AMD graphics drivers reset my icon layout without fail.

    I guess fixing it wouldn't gel with their insistence that your desktop should be tidy (or empty according to the Desktop Cleanup thing). What the hell is the point of having one if you aren't going to keep lots of things on it?

    Edit: A friend just asked if I had "Allow themes to change desktop icons" turned off under "Desktop Icon Settings" in Personalize. That seems to fix RDP. I had no idea that even existed, I wonder if it fixes my driver issue too (Turns out the answer to that is no, plus InkScape crashed. Lovely).

  • I'm actually hoping they get new W10 start menu right, so I can move my app icons there and leave the desktop empty for work icons.

  • Status: Had a dreamnightmare my manager's manager was complaining about me not working enough overtime :S

    Actually good status: Holy shit I can access GitHub.

  • @Cursorkeys said:

    I had no idea that even existed

    Neither did I, but it's off now.

    Edit: Is there an "Allow Discourse to jellypotato" setting somewhere that I can turn off?

  • Status: AFK for most of the next two days for a job interview. Presumably, I'll be able to be on mobile while sitting in airports enough not to break my attendance streak, such as it is, but don't expect many posts, because mobile.

  • Status: cold, bored, unhappy.

    The weather is chilly and would be miserable - even by British standards - for September, never mind July. In spite of this the air-con is on higher than ever, and noisy to boot. I have precisely sod-all to do because I'm between contracts, yet I still have to sit in this office every day. Also having one of my hyper-awareness episodes where everything is uncomfortable and every noise is way too loud.

    This time next week I might be at my new contract but they still haven't told me anything. I ought to be moving house next weekend but haven't even got the application yet - they're supposed to send it today but there's no sign of it even though it's nearly 3 and they want it back by the end of the day. Oh and gmail is blocked because heaven forbid anyone use work internet to check their personal email in their lunchbreak. My phone's battery is on its last legs so leaving data switched on to check my email risks it running out before the end of the day and then I won't be able to get this email at all.

  • Fake News

    @CarrieVS said:

    The weather is chilly and would be miserable - even by British standards - for September, never mind July.

    Don't worry, because next year, it'll be warmer. Global warming and all that. :trollface:

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @lolwhat said:

    Don't worry, because next year, it'll be warmer.

    Winters are getting warmer. Summers, not so much. Meh.

  • @lolwhat said:

    Don't worry, because next year, it'll be warmer. Global warming and all that.

    Isn't that going to disrupt the Jetstream so that Britain gets colder and wetter and yukkier.

  • Fake News

    @CarrieVS said:

    Isn't that going to disrupt the Jetstream so that Britain gets colder and wetter and yukkier.

    Perhaps, if climate chaos is actually increasing. Thus, the :trollface:.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @HardwareGeek said:

    This recipe calls for simmering the garlic (whole cloves) in the broth for 30 – 45 minutes, and discarding the cloves and bay leaf, keeping only the clear broth.

    IANAFS, but from what I know about cooking I do not see how that could turn out edible. Unless there is a step you are missing at the beginning where they sautee it until very well browned. Have you ever made it? How did it turn out?

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Polygeekery said:

    I do not see how that could turn out edible

    Hot water makes assorted things diffuse out of the garlic cloves. Result is a garlic variation on a light vegetable stock.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @Maciejasjmj said:

    For you, maybe. For people around you, well...

    It depends on how it is prepared. The recipe for "40 Cloves and a Chicken" does not even taste of garlic. With garlic, the more you cook it at medium to high heat, the more the flavor profile changes.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @cartman82 said:

    Why the fuck do I need something like DesktopOK so my icons don't get screwed up every time I use remote desktop or temporarily change the resolution in any way?

    It's been decades, Microsoft! FIX YOUR ICON LAYOUT SHIT!

    The one that kills me is the fact that you cannot change the resolution of an RDP session without closing the session and opening a new one. I can change my resolution while at the desktop, but it doesn't work over RDP.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Status: Every time I boot my PC at home (running Win7; it's a few years old and I'm not bothered to upgrade it) it takes absolutely ages doing nothing at several places during the boot procedure. It's been this way since I added the SSD. I'm guessing that there's some kind of BIOS problem that's causing a scan of something to take forever and a day to time out, but still :wtf:

  • Make sure you're using AHCI mode and not IDE emulation.

  • 🚽 Regular

    If this is the case make sure the Windows AHCI service is set for autostart before you enable it in BIOS.

  • Status: Seems legit.

  • Status:
    made coffee so strong that you need a spoon to take it of the mug.

    Filed Under: Monday

  • @cartman82 said:

    It's been decades, Microsoft! FIX YOUR ICON LAYOUT SHIT!

    They already have it fixed for plugging/unplugging monitors, which is 99% of the reason this ever comes up. That should apply to Remote Desktop too unless you're using some weird third-party client or something.

    The fix for the icons moving when the user manually changes resolution is: don't manually change resolution, idiot!

  • @cartman82 said:

    I'm actually hoping they get new W10 start menu right, so I can move my app icons there and leave the desktop empty for work icons.

    You could just pin them to the taskbar, even Vista had that.

  • FoxDev

    @cartman82 said:

    I'm actually hoping they get new W10 start menu right, so I can move my app icons there and leave the desktop empty for work icons.

    wait.... icons can go on the desktop?


  • @Jarry said:

    Filed Under: Monday

    Is it? Again? *checks calendar*

    status: starting week 5 of my vacation. :-) :-)

  • @blakeyrat said:

    They already have it fixed for plugging/unplugging monitors, which is 99% of the reason this ever comes up. That should apply to Remote Desktop too unless you're using some weird third-party client or something.

    The fix for the icons moving when the user manually changes resolution is: don't manually change resolution, idiot!

    Yeah, blame the user. It's their fault they might need to briefly change resolution. FUCK YOU USER! NO QUALITY ASSURANCE FOR YOU!

    @blakeyrat said:

    You could just pin them to the taskbar, even Vista had that.

    All 96 of them?

  • @cartman82 said:

    Yeah, blame the user. It's their fault they might need to briefly change resolution. FUCK YOU USER! NO QUALITY ASSURANCE FOR YOU!

    You would prefer the icons just go offscreen?

    @cartman82 said:

    All 96 of them?

    Sure. Why not. Go for it.

  • So you're one of those condescending users that want a "clean" (i.e. useless) desktop and likes to brag about it to everyone.

    Well I'm hoping they finally let me have shortcuts to "Modern" apps on the desktop, because I want them there with the rest of my shortcuts that I actually use.

  • FoxDev

    @anonymous234 said:

    So you're one of those condescending users that want a "clean" (i.e. useless) desktop and likes to brag about it to everyone.

    if you like.

    i see myself more as one that really gets annoyed at all the apps that insist on creating desktop icons, and recreating them on update (or goddess helpme on startup) if they are removed. So i turn them off on the desktop and learned how to use the search feature of the start menu instead (which is really nice in windows 7, even better in 8, 8.1 and 10)

  • Status: throwing out old computer parts.

    Decided to check eBay to see if there's any chance of getting money from them. But apparently the people there are more clueless than me.

    Sure, buddy, I bet someone will pay a hundred bucks for a 10GB disk.

  • FoxDev

    @anonymous234 said:

    Sure, buddy, I bet someone will pay a hundred bucks for a 10GB disk.

    well since listing them's free list away on a throwaway account. if someone bites, awesome. if no one bites then toss it. 😃

  • @anonymous234 said:

    Sure, buddy, I bet someone will pay a hundred bucks for a 10GB disk.

    It might be worth that much.

    Original Xboxes could only handle HDs 10 GB or less (IIRC), and only certain brands/models. (I have know idea which specifically.)

    So while you might think that guy's just an idiot, maybe he knows more about restoring old Xboxes than you and you are the idiot.

    Make no assumptions.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    You would prefer the icons just go offscreen?

    I would prefer that Windows remember my layout at resolution 1, auto adjust to resolution 2 and then brings thing back to the old layout once the resolution changes back. Actually, SOMETIMES that's exactly what happens, as long as you DON'T CHANGE ICONS IN ANY WAY. Don't move them. Don't add any. Don't delete any. Touch nothing and things will MAYBE revert back to the old state.

    I can see how this situation is pain in the ass for programmers and that this seemed as the best compromise. But I'd still prefer some way to tell windows not to accept my current layout as the new norm. Basically, why not just take the thing DesktopOK does and integrate it into the right-click menu on the desktop?

    @accalia said:

    i see myself more as one that really gets annoyed at all the apps that insist on creating desktop icons, and recreating them on update (or goddess helpme on startup) if they are removed. So i turn them off on the desktop and learned how to use the search feature of the start menu instead (which is really nice in windows 7, even better in 8, 8.1 and 10)

    What's the point of desktop then? 90% of your screen is wasted.

  • @cartman82 said:

    I would prefer that Windows remember my layout at resolution 1, auto adjust to resolution 2 and then brings thing back to the old layout once the resolution changes back.

    Yeah it already does that.

    @cartman82 said:

    Actually, SOMETIMES that's exactly what happens, as long as you DON'T CHANGE ICONS IN ANY WAY.

    If you move an icon, all bets are off. How else could it work? Windows isn't telepathic. It has no idea if the resolution you changed to is going to be changed back, or is the "new normal".

    @cartman82 said:

    But I'd still prefer some way to tell windows not to accept my current layout as the new norm.

    Like what?

    @cartman82 said:

    Basically, why not just take the thing DesktopOK does and integrate it into the right-click menu on the desktop?

    I don't know what it is it does.

  • FoxDev

    @cartman82 said:

    What's the point of desktop then? 90% of your screen is wasted.

    other than when i have just booted the computer i almost never see the desktop, there's windows full of the things i'm working on in front of it.

    and even if i had the icons on the desktop i'd have to minimize or move those windows to get at them. it's a lot faster just to hit and start typing the name of the application i want, and i don't have the problem of constantly having to rearrange my windows that way.

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