Still receiving badge notifications from muted topic

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Expected behavior: "You will never be notified of anything about this topic..." means I don't receive badge notifications for posts in the topic either.

    Actual behavior: I get notifications for badges in /t/1000 even though I have it muted. I don't receive any reply, mentions, or "likes" notifications.

    Reproduction rate: 100%

  • Banned

    Good point, badges came much later and mute should affect them.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Another thing I guess I should have checked closer before the initial report:

    • None of the watching levels really indicate which levels should cause notifications when a post you made receives a "like". As-is, all levels "Regular" and above are generating those notifications. I think the copy should be improved to indicate which levels are supposed to generate those notifications.
    • Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing "Regular" being @mentions and replies only (and suppressing badges/Likes), but I realize my use case is a little non-standard b/c of /t/1000. But it seems right now that there's really no noteworthy difference between "Tracking" and "Regular" other than the unread counts on the topic list, so maybe that's a worthwhile distinction to add?

  • FoxDev

    well tracking also:

    • Reveals hidden topics (so you get articles a little earlier than otherwise if you are awake at the right time of the day relative to UTC
    • generates notifications if/when a post is made in a tracked thread

    and..... no that's all of it i think.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    If tracking a thread is notifying on any new post (not just @mention or replies), then that would be a bug compared to the copy as well -- the nice drop down box says "Watching" notifies on all posts, while it does not say that for "Tracking". Can you confirm that the behavior does work that way?

  • FoxDev

    sure can. i have the articles category tracked and i get notifications for all posts in those topics till i set the watch status back to watched after i read the article.

    try it yourself!

  • Banned

    Not sure you guys are talking about the same thing here. He means individual entries in your personal notifications stream for each new post in a topic (this is what "watching" is), not having a visible number in the topic list (this is what "tracking" is).

  • FoxDev

    i'm now watching this thread. let's see what notifications i get, shall we?

  • @accalia said:

    i'm now watching this thread. let's see what notifications i get, shall we?

    i'll just pilot a sockpuppet over here to make a post aaaaand...

  • @sockbot said:

    i'll just pilot a sockpuppet over here to make a post aaaaand...

    <!-- Posted by SockBot 0.13.0 "Devious Daine" on Sat Nov 08 2014 22:08:04 GMT-0500 (EST)-->

    and a second level of directing the sockpuppet to post to show different notifications if any...

  • FoxDev

    sorry about using the bots, needed a sockpupet to show.

    here's my notifications stream from that test. the post that that highlighted notification links to is post #10 in this thread (there was one for #9 as well but it has vanished)

    post #10 is not a reply to me, I received the notification because this is a watched thread....

    or did i just pull the most epic woosh ever and we were talking about something completely different?

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    @accalia said:

    this is a watched thread

    Watched, not Tracked.

    @codinghorror said:

    He means individual entries in your personal notifications stream for each new post in a topic (this is what "watching" is), not having a visible number in the topic list (this is what "tracking" is).

    @accalia said:

    well tracking also: [...]generates notifications if/when a post is made in a tracked thread

    You're confused.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    You wooshed yourself.

    For a topic, "Watching" is the level that's supposed to do that.

    "Tracking" is supposed to (as I read the copy) generate notifications for @mentions and direct replies (plus, I assume, likes and badges), but not for replies to someone else in the thread.

    I haven't even messed with category level tracking settings and how that effects topics, since I'm too lazy to do that detailed of testing, especially on a weekend :P

  • Banned

    This is not correct. Even in "regular" you get notified when people are talking to you directly. Even in topics you have never seen before.

    (But if you have yet to post in a given topic that is difficult to do outside of direct @name mentions... What exactly would they be replying to, of yours? )

  • FoxDev

    @Yamikuronue said:

    You're confused.

    -sigh- yes.

    @pjh, i believe another woosh might be in order....

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    @codinghorror said:

    What exactly would they be replying to, of yours?

    Presumably, replying as a linked Topic

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Hrm, I guess between my mini-topic-drift and imprecise language, I didn't express myself very well...

    To summarize my various posts in this thread:

    • Discourse's current behavior with respect to the topic "tracking" options:
    • Muted: notifies on badge receipt. Topic does not appear in unread list, does not get new post count circles
    • Regular: notifies on @mention, direct reply1, badge receipt, and like receipt. Topic does not appear in unread list, does not get new/unread post count circles.
    • Tracking: notifies on @mention, direct reply1, badge receipt, and like receipt. Topic appears in unread list and gets new/unread post count circles.
    • Watching: notifies on @mention, ALL replies, badge receipt, and like receipt. Topic appears in unread list and gets new/unread post count circles.

    1Direct reply: when someone replies to a post you made. As opposed to a reply made to a different poster in the thread.

    The original bug report:

    • Muted says it suppresses all notifications, but does not suppress badge receipt notifications.

    The additional clarification request/suggestion (

    • Improve the copy of all four tracking options to indicate whether badge/like notifications are included in that tracking option.

    The suggestion to modify the behavior of the existing tracking options (the same post as above):

    • Request to change "Regular" tracking to exclude notifications on badges and likes. This would change Regular to be as follows: notifies on @mention and direct reply only. Topic does not appear in unread list and does not get new/unread posts circles.

    I'm not really that attached to the suggestion on changing "Regular". It would be nice for me (because of the likes thread), but I don't think I can actually build a justification to it for a "normal" use case.

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